Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Don’t pay your mortgage for 8 years on your expensive property but stay there, all the friends of the common man on here supporting that. Not to mention the fearless O’Donnells of Dalkey.

Let’s not turn this into a point scoring episode please. No one supports not paying your mortgage ffs.

who was supporting them on here?


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Seems that way bro.

Lads, again, referring back to this, I am willing to chair a board of like minded citizens, to decide who should keep, and lose their homes. I’m a very fair man and will take each case on its merits.

Obviously Johnny Doyle should lose his immediately.

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This has nothing to do with defaulters. This has to do with the government selling vacant lots to investors who then price out tenants. The government then spends our taxes putting these tenants up in hotels and b&b’s

As usual, in your haste to be witty, you’re missing the point… it’s not solely about evicting people.

I cant handle all elements of this, I am only willing to take on this single area, as I feel I am best positioned to dole out justice.

Actually it is. It is all apart of the reason that they are here. They came in here because the people demanded that NAMA didn’t make a significant loss, at a time when people believed that property development was evil. The State were also mandated by the EU-IMF to sell significant loan books in order for us to fund day to day spending on public wages and social welfare.

They are here putting capital into developments that Irish banks could not and that is starting to have an impact on house prices as property is being developed again. The vultures are also taking on the poor performing loans because Irish Banks cannot politically evict people. These things have to be looked at in the round.

Do we have stats on how many people have became homeless because private Irish BTL owners raised rents? What % of them are refusing tenants on rent subsidies?
Do we have stats on how many of them are simply waiting for social housing?

The tax break for vultures was ill thought out I’ll admit, but they have been needed in the Irish finance system in order to cleanse the system and put capital back in when the State was on its knees.

I have yet to read the UN paper so will not comment much further until I have, but I note that part of their evidence seems to be “countless stories”. Not exactly something I would expect a serious organisation to put into a report.

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The issue isn’t vulture funds themselves, it’s their continued facilitation by the Irish government at the expense of the country and it’s citizens. Being allowed to repatriate profits while paying little tax makes no sense.

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Over 10k homeless … But … Brexit.

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UN special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing Leilani Farha wrote to the Government in Ireland and five other countries.

She accused them of facilitating the “financialisation of housing” in their own countries through preferential tax laws and weak tenant protections among other measures.

Ms Farha also wrote to the governments in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and the US.

Denmark is the happiest country in the world. Sweden is the benchmark for Scandinavian progressiveness. Ms Farha is a Canadian Mary Robinson. Did she not write to any of the countries in the Middle East where people live in tents.

The UN is a failed and corrupt organization.


You should know by now that a pdf file reference is frowned upon.

Age old establishment tactic… Discredit the messenger and the message will go away.

The tax breaks I have said already were ham fisted. I’ve no doubt that you or the Human Rights bod in the UN understand them though.

“What about, what about, what about” :rollseyes:

Exactly. We live in a country with full employment. What about what about the vulture funds.

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Full employment is a great one … what about quality of life? scores of people on minimum wage, or close to it - and the cost of living is so ridiculous it excludes them from living any kind of decent /respectful life… but yeah, full employment

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Not to mention the massive inequality that exists in relation to the corporate sector.