Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Was that not last year? Thought that was out in the open a good while?

No the meeting was out in the open but he refused twice under foi requests to publish the letter he sent her.

He’s an awful scallywag.

Leo Varadkar is obviously planning to go with “Better The Devil You Know” as Fine Gael’s slogan for the next General Election.


Did you see the other article yesterday sourced from FoI requests which showed the needy cunt regularly emailing his adviser at all hours to tease out why audiences didn’t guffaw loudly at his jokes when delivering speeches?

Leo the fanny is to introduce a carbon tax on the poor to help clean up the mess of corporate polluters …

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@Tim_Riggins and / or @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - do we already pay carbon taxes on utility and fuel bills?

I’m in the green party now mate. Ask me the same question on the appropriate thread


Yes we do ,Leo’s on the way out thank God

Fascists have always been enabled by self styled “decent” conservatives

Varadkar is cranking up the right-wing “populist” bullshit machine

His Tory mates have been teaching him all the tricks

He’s a complete fucking moron. He can’t get out of his own way.

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A really bad day for The Blueshirts.

They are having a collective meltdown on the twittersphere.

The rugby result must have really upset Kneel.

cc @Bandage

Can you explain what’s going on here?


Chris Hazzard, South Down MLA, retweets that Sarah Jane Murphy fruitcake and calls her FG’s answer to Comical Ali.

She tend proceeds to claim she never heard of South Down (Hazards proceeds to burn her by saying he’s not surprised as it’s in the 6 counties).

Kneel Richmond then likes the partitionist tweet from the fruitcake and some random chap off twitter calls out Kneel over the irony (and petty nature) of him liking that tweet when he models himself as some sort Brexit spokesperson for FG. Kneel then proceeds to block that random twitter user.

Kneel is one of the foremost “but but but SF” types on Twitter and a Varadkar lackey but surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) the cat caught his tongue yesterday on the breaking story and he only had to contribute musings on rugby and Sean Connery.

FG are having a collective meltdown on this. I’m finding it very satisfying.


Was fairly busy y’day so I wasn’t up to date with every detail. Can anyone explain if there is an actual perceived or potential gain from the NAGP getting the contract? Was it not a done deal at that stage?

Like I read the Village story talking about corruption and saw a tweet from MaryLou I think talking about hundreds of millions of state money and implying some sort of corruption but don’t understand the mechanics of how that could be.

Is your missus not a GP? What does she think?

The contract was worth €210m.

He leaked it to his pal, his contention is that it was available publicly, something that is disputed by the current Minister for Health at that particular time and also seems to differ greatly from the messages within the NAGP at the time but look to all have believed they have got some inside line.

He’s utterly fucked as far as I can see. The mainstream media seem to be giving Varadkar, FG and the gov a great courtesy so far that not all political parties could dream of getting. The opposition are going to run with this though and it is going to get traction and the media will then have no option but to run with it and when that happens, the public see cronyism for all it is. They will want blood and I can’t see both Varadkar or the Gov surviving this together.

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You’re a great journalist, bro.

Speed of thought & typing in that reply a thing of beauty

She wouldn’t have much interest/knowledge in the medical politics side of things so didn’t get much insight. She did say that the GP’s always reckon they get shafted by the IMO which is mainly hospital consultants etc and that was the reason NAGP was started but basically Dep of Health and IMO froze them out because both preferred the status quo