Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

A lot of that leaking is of cabinet information. If leo was given the agreement in the context of a cabinet briefing then he’s in deep doodoo


If this is as good as the defence for Varadkar gets then he is history.

There’s a big difference between “should be” and “is” unfortunately.

Barry is the hero we need but not the one we deserve

Simon is the one we deserve

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Lovely pic. Yourself and the missus in happier times?


You cunt :grin:


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I can’t see how hanging all your hopes on a lad that made up that nurses had died will end well


Is paddy trying to dictate what a newspaper covers now. He could have gone with his “story” to the Irish Times but he went to Village.

He must be seething he was caught out on the dead nurses lies.

Sticking your fingers in your ears about the Blueshirts having a Goebbels like grip on the mainstream media just about sums up your niavety.

Amazing we heard about it at all really.

Maybe the Sinn Fein councillor and Gemma supporter married to Stanley approved of Goebbels like media strategy when she recommends defunding the state broadcaster for communicating what her husband says :grinning:

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Nothing wrong with the idea of defending Pravda.

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Getting rid of RTÉ if promised by SF would see them get my vote almost.

The Politburo are seething that the actual words used by their members are reported.

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FG returning to their fascist origins very quickly.