Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

FG and SF are both Trumpian parties. I don’t have a preference for either

So the Irish Times are burning the Leo Varadkar story by writing about it again today.

Have I got that right @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

No, you prefer the party of child abuse coverups - Fianna Fail.

I’m a Labour man mate

You’re a FF man.

A self confessed FF man who likes to crow about child abuse then vote for child abuse enablers.

I’m a Labour man. Just like you were going away from SF a few years ago but then they did quite well in an election so you’re back in

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You’re a self confessed FF man who has no issues with the way they have covered the tracks of paedophiles for decades.

Incorrect. I’m a Labour man. You gave up on SF a while ago and are now back in as their biggest cheerleader since they did well in an election

No no no. You’re a self confessed FF man and you have been on record as not calling them out on their child abuse in the past. You can’t escape. What you now can’t escape is the levels you have sank and try to use victims of child abuse to score political points. When you had the opportunity to show you were sincere in this regard you merely opted to politicise and that’s the hallmarks of a weak and nasty individual.

First and foremost I’m a republican. I’ll support parties who have genuine republican and socialist ideologies.


There’s a guy from the Irish Times called David Cochrane having a right ding dong battle with Paddy Cosgrave on twitter. Paddy has yer man hopping like a sausage on a pan.

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Cochrane used to own

Paddy has the shills driven demented.

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Wonderful news for Helen

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Just been alerted to the story from a few years ago of a bunch of heavies from Fine Gael calling to a young member’s door to threaten him.

This is very concerning, especially when you see the party’s full descent to Trumpism and a rekindling of their fascist roots.


I wonder what heavies knocked around…Colm Brophy ?


They need to go

They guy on the left looks about 49. Young Fine Gael. :rofl:

Colm Brophy will come around and threaten to use their toilet.

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