Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Are SF & FG both near fully populated with weirdos and cranks ??

Politics in general. The weirdos here cheerleading for them are as bad

Said the establishment shill.

You carry on howling at the moon

Meath councillor Paddy Meade complains that matters as serious as his car being firebombed, involving ‘elements’ of Fine Gael, were not dealt with. He also claims he was assaulted at a meeting where senior members of the party were present.

Mr Meade, who was involved in a court case with a fellow party member, said he and his family ‘don’t feel safe at certain Fine Gael meetings’ and the party is not not ‘a safe society in Co. Meath’.

Great to see the media give that one such great coverage.

And you can keep on relentlessly defending the establishment.

Gas cunts

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I see The Blueshirts were celebrating a terrorist today.

A cold blooded killer.

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He has to go

The irony is hilarious

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Moooove her on

Those Protestants up to no good as usual.

I’m only seeing now that regina Doherty claimed ireland and the UK have had a common travel area for 800 years on CB Thursday night :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Sweet jesus

Regina resembles a psychotic Stepford Wife these where she looks like she has been loaded with a plate full of prescription pills and wheeled on stage.

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Surely FG don’t see her being elected next time around?

Regina getting the FG nomination for the next election is mandatory but not compulsory.


General Mulcahy was educated in Mount Sion. I only found this out 30 years after I left the school. It was curious that the Brothers never mentioned this.