Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?


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Is that a parody account.


Negative - this one is an awful dose

@glasagusban will be along shortly to laud her for her brave stance on this vitally important issue

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You can tell the type, she’d have reminded the teacher they forgot to give homework


Great news! :joy:

@tallback voted for her



How much will this name change and all the associated re-branding cost the exchequer I wonder?

€5 m

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That’s Spinal Tap esque


Lads the problem with the backlash in relation to slow passport processing is that we build the name of the process up too much.

Let’s change that to a less demanding name and then celebrate doing it!

That would pay for a lot of staff, additional printers etc. Be interesting to see where the €5m ends up.

They should rename it to the “Read the instructions, fill out the forms correctly and include ALL requested documentation, you thick cunt, Passport Service”.


I got a new passport online in a few days. Couldn’t fault the service

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I’d ask you to immediately retract the allegation that I reside somewhere in West Dublin.


That Emer Higgins seems to be a clown. She was front and centre of something incredibly dumb pre Covid too, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. Pointless aside here so. Her Tonight Show contributions are generally a bit off the wall also.

In this case, the full picture isn’t as bad as being portrayed but she’s left herself open to ridicule. Instead of simply saying she felt it was worth changing the name of the passport postal service to drive people to use the more efficient online service, she’s ended up making a show of herself.

That will be on her list of achievements no doubt next time she faces the electorate!

And people have the temerity to laugh at Healy Rae and Lowry looking after ramps and the like for invalided constituents
