Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

I think I’d know more about my intentions that you would.

But then again Blueshirts seem to have a problem with transparent and honest reporting.

I can only read what you post in black and white. You were factually incorrect in that statement.

You are now spinning. You were factually incorrect, the end.

It seems you have now resorted to I know you are but what am I.

Full on deflect mode from you as usual when it’s correctly pointed out that there is a severe media bias in the Free State mainstream media.

That’s not “I know you are but what am I”, the below is.

This is.

The facts are that this statement was wrong.

I guess we can only speculate as to why you get your knickers in a twist when it’s pointed out (which is quite clear) that there is a severe problem with impartiality in Irish media when it comes to reporting on political matters.

I shouldn’t need to point to the fact that people with close links to FFG hold key positions in print media and the state broadcaster, how former MSM journalists are routinely appointed as advisors to gov members and TDs. That is all there for all to see.

Hugh O’Connell
Fionn Sheahan
Miriam O’Callaghan
Hugh Coveney
John Clifford
Philip Ryan
Sean O’Rourke
Ryan Tubridy

And a host of others.

Can we stick to the point please.

You made a statement on DOB and LG that were incorrect.

This is like you bringing up Michael Noonan when you are trying to absolve from the fact that you support a Paedo enabler.

Media bias.

I’m sticking to it. You’re trying to deflect from the facts.

Imagine trying to get @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy to admit he was wrong in a debate…

Over It Reaction GIF


Getting me to admit being wrong would be no sweat. I’m a big boy, I can accept if I was beaten.

Trying to defeat me in a debate is the troublesome part.

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Another victory on the internet, lads ye cant lay a glove on him.

CC @Thomas_Brady

Richard Mulcahy the man who ordered the execution of more republicans in a few months of the civil war than the Brits had in the whole war of independence.


Ireland would have fallen back under British rule if it wasn’t for the patriotic leadership of the likes of Mulcahy.

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mulcahys legacy is a bit of a landmine for the blueshirts

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Look at the cut of that cunt. Sake

That account seems to have a strange obsession with Thatcher given he was probably only just born when she started to struggle with dementia.

Super Si hardly remembers her reign either yet felt the need to comment on it.

I’m not saying he doesn’t have a right to comment on it, but he seems oddly obsessed going by his profile. It was newsworthy at the time of her death so people commented on it.

He’s just aping Jeremy Corbyn superfan culture from the U.K.