Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

He’ll be absolutely raging if they get back in next time out.

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He has a great way about him, as the man says.

The Hutch case and what comes out of it could very well galvanize FFG.

Donohoe, however, was responsible for a major ramping-up of public spending and a sequence of budgetary overruns, most notably in health, which were papered over by windfall corporation tax receipts.

Planned spending on public projects, such as the national children’s hospital and the national broadband plan, ballooned. He also controversially signed off on an €81,000 pay rise for the State’s top civil servant, Robert Watt, bringing Watt’s salary to €292,000.

Donohoe might have talked a good game on prudence but for fiscal hawks he was giving in too easily to spending calls on multiple fronts, stimulating an economy that was already hot. At the time, the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (Ifac), Ireland’s budgetary watchdog, rebuked the Department of Finance for “repeatedly” breaching its own targets; allowing public spending to advance at an unsustainable rate; and presenting unrealistic spending targets into the future.

Ifac’s then chairman, Seamus Coffey, said there were “worrying echoes” of the 2000s when a cyclical expansion in tax revenues had funded a significant increase in public spending.

Hugo has had a tough paper round

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Listening to Leo’s smarmy shite talk is after ageing him something shocking.

I’ve a great Hugo story (nothing seedy ) I’ll tell you if I meet you

She’ll hand it back to you soft. And aged about 20 years

That’s not Hugo? Seriously

Tagged himself in it :slight_smile:

Blueshirts are very cultish when it comes to Michael Collins

Lads getting involved in politics these days (across all parties) are generally odd.


Fixed that for you


fixed that for you



Here’s the thread to give out about Fine Gael ministers and politicians.

You’re welcome …

That was the only point I was making on the other thread, you are not a voice of reason or credibility, you’re a right wing zealot who will ignore away the utter toxicity and criminality of FG while cynically raising objections to political rivals without an ounce of sincerity.

We won’t see any condemnations from you here.

Plenty of criticism from me about FG. I think a load of them are fairly sub-standard politicians - although that’s par for the course across most of the parties. Patrick O’Donovan is a dope to my mind and most of what he comes out with is stupid. I think FG shouldn’t have gone into government after the last election and I can’t for the life of me see why they keep on trying to pander to a part of the electorate that hates them. I think Leo shoots his mouth off far too much and has not delivered on his potential.

Happy now?

Is that good or bad? I’m getting confused with all the rap talk whether a statement like this is meant as a criticism or praise.


I haven’t see any.

I’m talking about the specific allegations on the Dublin Monaghan bombing. He has never apologised to the victims? Should he and should his party demand it?

Same re Regina Doherty?

These were utterly horrific comments which caused a lot of distress and hurt to families by govt ministers. There is zero accountability to anything with FFG.