Fitness XL- Your training routine

Video workout organised by a mate of mine today:

5 rounds:
30-30-30 Jumping Jacks/High knees/Heels to ass
40 Back lunges
30 Squats
20" plank
10 burpees

It’s the end of a bed.

Rows x 20
Shoulder press x 20
Biceps x 20
Triceps x 20
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Calf raises x 20
Trap shrugs x 20
Lateral raises x 20

Three rounds.

I’ll do a combo of different push ups tomorrow.

My daily routine, usually in sets of 10 to 20

100 push ups
300 ab crunches
70 bicep curls
70 triceps extensions
100 military presses
80 chin ups
100 squats

all performed with 2 x 10kg dumbells bcause that is all i have, I found a few brick out the park, that weigh 2.2 kg so I robbed a few and put them in a backpack, that will help with the squats

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Physical activity may, paradoxically, hasten your risk of a heart attack, a new study suggests.

This is because physical activity may lead to a quicker build-up of plaque, or calcium deposits in the coronary arteries, according to the research.

This finding does not outweigh the many health benefits of exercise, the researchers emphasise.

Regular physical activity is associated with a reduction in the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and death. But the new research shows that despite these important benefits, people who are very physically active seem to have high levels of calcium deposits in their coronary arteries.

However, it is not clear if exercise may itself be associated with calcification, or hardening of arteries, according to the study published in Heart journal.

To explore the issue further, the researchers studied healthy adults attending for check-ups in South Korea over a six-year period.

Those who were more physically active tended to be older and less likely to smoke than less physically active participants. They also had lower total cholesterol, more high blood pressure, and existing evidence of calcium deposits in their coronary arteries.

An association between physical activity level and the prevalence and progression of coronary artery calcification emerged over time. Higher physical activity was associated with faster progression of calcification scores.

Experts said the new study may mean that exercise increases the risk of a heart attack, or it may be that calcium build-up is not a good measure of heart attack risk.

‘Difficult to interpret’

Dr Angie Brown, medical director of the Irish Heart Foundation, said that while the benefits of moderate and regular physical activity were “unquestionable”, the study suggested there is a faster progression of coronary calcium in active people.

“This may represent plaque stabilisation and healing, or be secondary to other physical and environmental factors; there was no information on cardiovascular events in these apparently young, healthy individuals. It makes the results difficult to interpret from a practical perspectiv

@TheUlteriorMotive raised this in the running thread previously.

I’m more inclined towards the Fagan regime of regular European city breaks and not pulling back from the table too early


I was told before that, although GPs don’t want to refer you for it, a heart calcification test is the greatest predictor of a heart attack. I’m not sure how you approach getting a test but worth exploring

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I think you have to be referred by GP for it. They don’t tend to do it for some reason.

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