Fitness XL- Your training routine

GVT is good but challenging as mentioned. You shouldn’t need spotters etc though. If you can’t get to 10 on sets 7, 8, 9 etc with 60% that’s fine. In fact it shows GVT is suitable for your progression as you have non optimal Muscular and strength endurance.
Straining with help to do 10x10’s would be ill advisable imo.

Done right with good nutrition and you will pack on decent muscle over 6 weeks. Don’t be afraid to throw in a big lifting day once a week though to 1) neurologically use the muscle you are building to get stronger but also 2) to track progress and keep changing what your actual 60% is as if you get stronger that actually changes upwards…

Very important to maintain Core stability and ankle, hip & Thorasic Mobility as well though. That will keep the new found muscle functional.

I used Weighted Push ups (way better than benching), KB Goblet Squats, Hex bar Deadlifts, Weighted Chins, Weighted Lunges (forward & back 5 each) and Presses. 1 Upper 1 lower a day. Super settled I found the most logical. After a week I found it pretty easy so that’s why I added the testing max strength day and that drove it on


Anybody have any decent training routines for at home without gym equipment? Set ups, push ups, squats etc etc…

Thats it, maybe tricep dips, tricep push ups, Lunges, incline push ups, decline push ups, Bicep curls (you will need some sort of weight for them), plank, back extensions, bridges.

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Cheers Kev. I figured three days a week of something like this and perhaps another two of yoga and or a run -would the running/yoga be complementary or counterproductive?

No not really. Yoga more than once I wouldn’t advice. Science says concurrent training (endurance /aerobic training running in same block as strength development) is more acceptable than we thought however timing is key. I would suggest doing a run as far away from the strength sessions as possible. So say you did mon-wed-Fri strength, I would go Sunday morning run. Or something like that.

That’d be about right. Weights mon, wed, fri, run Sunday morning. Why not yoga?

planking and glute bridges I find to be excellent, crunches are a waste of time imvho
can’t go wrong with push ups, vary your hand placement - i found placing the hands directly under the shoulders (similar to plank position) help shoulder/neck muscles
split squats or lunges might be better than regular squats - the posture can go wrong on a squat, whereas a lunge is harder to fuck up (in my case anyway, may have no relevance to you)

you could consider a timer / playlist combo - loads of apps and websites to do the job

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Oh yes to yoga, just not too much. You don’t need to be that flexible, it’s more about joint function and mobility/Stability. Too much flexibility erodes strength. But it still has a lot of value.

Once or twice a week. There’s hot yoga on beside my house so i’d give it a go for a while.

That’s only to spot talent. I’M never going to stop ya doing that.

My first class of that was disturbing. In a good way. A class in Oz where I was only one of a handful of fellas in a very large class. The talent was outrageous


Agreed. You know your stuff Kev.

You’re not mentally strong enough. Stick to the hot yoga.

How’s your fanny, I mean back?

Interesting article for those relative to yesterday’s discussion.


Reminds me on @mac trying to squeeze one out prior to @tassottti nutrition tips.

The state of him :eek:

James Skehill looks to be in right good shape there

He does so he does.

We had Rachael Wyse down in Kinvara yesterday doing a shoot in Callanans Fit Club.
She’s a fragile enough girleen.


Yerra theres nothing to her at all shur.