Fitness XL- Your training routine

I certainly wouldn’t be one for bragging, mate. Thanks a bunch for your kind words tho.

The push up bra does wonders.

Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small battles with honour.

Same as that. Hard enough area to full stretch too

Never had a problem stretching my calves. Find them a lot easier to stretch than other parts.

Throw up a link there if you don’t mind. Googling Nordic stretching gives a whole load of exercises with walking poles.

I think this is what Caoimhaoin is on about.

jesus that would put savage sheer stress on your discs, and fuck your lower back up, fuck it up good and proper, what kind of a cowboy would advise someone to do that?

only if you do it wrong pal.

Fuck back to the other thread and continue discussing the merits of shoving bananas up your hole you spoofing cunt.

you want to be exceptionally fit like me, giving advice like that to a roaster is dangerous

[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 1156773, member: 312”]I think this is what Caoimhaoin is on about.[/QUOTE]

Ta Taz.

I think your lost. This is a proper fitness thread. Its not for Walter mitty types like yourself.


Science doesn’t agree fella.
Barcelona are one of many high profile clubs/sports organisations that now have it as staples.

@caoimhaoin, @ChocolateMice, @TheUlteriorMotive, thoughts on German volume training? I figure I’m in the market for a new routine for two months or so come sept.

I haven’t read up much but I understand this programme to basically be something like: DL, squat, bench, rows, shoulder press and pull downs. 10x10 of each exercise at 60% 1RM 3 times a week. Aim would be to add a few kilos and this is completely different to anything I’ve done before.

challenging to bang out 100 reps of one exercise - mentally as much as physically and last few sets you need a spotter and risk of form starting to suffer but if you can commit the time to it for 6 weeks and do it properly with sufficient recovery then it works

Walking down a stairs day after leg day could be interesting though

Agree. I’d have to super set them in pairs, if I could get the floor space in the gym. It’d be very time consuming too, I’d consider cycling it a little and doing maybe only four of the above on a given day with maybe a few ancillary exercises or core work at the end.

Did you stick with that other programme you started?

I did the same. Started it but after about a month I started adjusting it around available time and equipment - works up to training twice a day but I never managed that.

Twice a day is too much, ain’t nobody got time for that. Think GVT is three days a week. I’d like to do more to be honest, maybe add in a run or some yoga.

Are you still tipping along with the other thing?