Fitness XL- Your training routine

Kev, can you suggest a warm up session before deadlifting for an oul fella with dodgy hamstrings please? I don’t have a pull up bar, all I have is free weights and a bench at home. Have visitors, and I’ll be killed if I go to the gym. :frowning:

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Glute bridging 1 x12 (slow articulation up, hold at top for 4 secs)
Alt Single Leg Bridge 1 x6 with 3 secs hold on each side
Nordics (you will have to use something to trap your feet) 2 x6
RDL’s 1-3 x10-8-6(work up in weight as warm up to full deads)

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Unreal session there. Fuelled by organic irish salmon

How could salmon be non-organic?

Farmed. He used always eat farmed salmon.

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How could it be farmed when I caught it myself?

You froze a salmon you caught yourself?

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a lot of dickheads here walk around with no shoes or socks on in the gym, talk about the height of ignorance, I don’t want to see some cunts disgusting feet, I put a strongly worded note into the suggestion box

Fella its very good for you to train shoeless.

Bare feet is unhygenic alright, but socks no issue.

Funnily enough, this is something I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks. It’s fucking disgusting. In the warm up area of the gym and some lad walking around in sweat soaked socks leaving little pools of sweat around the area.

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Look at the Tarahumara people. I remember reading an article about an athlete that went to live with them and to learn their techniques so he could overcome chronic injuries.

Have a look at this:

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I always train in just socks.


Born to run is a cracking book. Interesting video. Shame about the narrator’s annoying tone!


I have a ‘scrum coach’ at work. He wears a pair of vibrams under his navy slacks.

How can this cunt be taken serious?


Is he club rugby or what?

I’d say they are comfy though are they?

I had a New Balance/Vibram Hybrid in Oz. You’t think you were Michael Johnson in them. Wore them for football and all.

Nah, ‘scrum’ is an IT term also. We work across large teams in multiple locations and scrum once a day to work thorough issues. This guy gets paid a small fortune to tell us how to make these meetings more efficient.

Ah right.

Whos the langer who came up with the term? He needs a clip.

unreal session there on the stepper, I finally met my nemesis, the king of it for climbing the Burj Khalifa, cunt was flat out and 6 minutes ahead of me, I bailed after 16 minutes at level 23, he was still going strong, you sense the tension in the air as I climbed up beside him (they are only two steppers) it was like the great Olympic showsdowns such as Coe V Ovett