Fitness XL- Your training routine

@caoimhaoin - check this out - it will answer all your questions…

I done a 15 minute HIIT on the bike then to finish myself off, it was like I was in a shower with my cloths on when I got off it such was the sweat pouring out of me

Organic salmon is farmed salmon. Don’t eat farmed fish. At all. I won’t allow the kids eat any farmed fish, having first hand experience of a fish farm. The W.H.O. Recommend that children are not fed farmed fish. If it’s organic, it is farmed. If it is wild, it will say so all over the plaice, and be charged at a premium.
That is all.


Why exactly mate?

Are you for real???

Flatty will cut to the chase on this, I’ve read plenty.

Well, back when I was on the farms, we were shovelling (literally) barrel fulls of malachite green into the cages to kill the lice. The same malachite green that our chemistry teacher had warned us about extensively as being highly highly toxic.
The farmed salmon were white fleshed. We then had to feed them pellets containing pink dye, take one out at random and compare it against a paint card , feed them more pink, and so on, until their colour was the normal expected pink.
They are also doused with antibiotics, and on top of this, can contain dangerous levels of cadmium.


That looks funny. Never saw it.

None the less, this cunt needs a clip

All processed food is dodgy. And this is certainkt a form of processing…very informative.

So only wild fish ya?

I was told previously no more than one tim of tuna a week due to the tins. Any insight on that? I regularly enough eat pole line caught tuna. Am i’m going to die of a brain tumour.

I wouldn’t ate red meat either lads, its a fucking killer

Processed meats do cause cancer - WHO

Not all red meat is processes

Meanwhile, it said red meats were “probably carcinogenic” but there was limited evidence.
might as well be ateing raw asbestos

Dr. Anne-Lise Birch Monsen at the University of Bergen, Norway

“I do not recommend pregnant women, children or young people eat farmed salmon. It is uncertain in both the amount of toxins salmon contain, and how these drugs affect children, adolescents and pregnant women… The type of contaminants that have been detected in farmed salmon have a negative effect on brain development and is associated with autism, ADD / ADHD and reduced IQ. We also know that they can affect other organ systems in the body’s immune system and metabolism.”

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Jesus that’s disturbing. Would fish from a fishmongers be good? I’ve gone off salmon the last while anyway but would eat seafood very regularly.

thats the last bit of salmon i’ll ever ate


Jesus Flatty. I loved the odd darn of salmon.

That the end of it.

i go vegi a few days a week as it is, might aswell go the whole hog now or I’ll die horribly of arse cancer

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Isn’t every farmed animal that isn’t organic pumped full of something that wouldn’t be good for humans?

Pinch of salt. Alot of the psych evaluations these days are bullshit.

Anything that gets associated with ADHD has my radar up.


No, not really. Depends on the animal and where it came from.
Organics are a lie for the most part too.