Footix of the Day

Nailed the man yoo fans

Mother of fuck

Viva Ronaldo. The greatest goalscorer of them all!

@caulifloweredneanderthal might have it today, he is talking about one of his favourite sporting memories when he was watching a game on TV and a ballboy returned the ball after it went out of play


About fucking time I won this illustrious award. Thank you @Bandage for the wonderful assist.


In the interest of keeping the competition fresh, please refrain from further nominations of @Aertel220, notwithstanding the fact he is King Footix


Lovely use of “we” by @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in reference to a team 300 miles away in the north of England. You love to see it.

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I’d say @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has the wall chart on the fridge

The world cup should be exempt.

@mikehunt setting his stall out


that’s footix of the season territory

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That won’t be easy beat.

Congrats @mikehunt

@Aertel220 you’ll need to up your game son.

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Thanks guys.

@Aertel220 will be seething that he has been usurped


These Mersey Red footix set an incredible standard

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I thought @croppy_boy would make a good go of it but just like Man Yoo’s season, it appears to be a false dawn

He’s a crafty one that one. He hides his light under a bushell.