Footix of the Day


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I thought @croppy_boy would make a good go of it but just like Man Yoo’s season, it appears to be a false dawn

He’s a crafty one that one. He hides his light under a bushell.

he has gone the other way i think , yammers on about banshee united or something

My word

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A late entry


An @Aertel220 special

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Another late contender here

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Mentality monsters

The oirish footix are self identifying as knowledgeable


If you didn’t laugh at them you’d cry

I caught a few beautifully there… A few surprises at the end of the hook too :smiley:

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Crikey :slightly_frowning_face:

inane enough comments here from @Aertel220

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He’s a gift that fella. Imagine remembering the run in of your greatest rival from a few seasons back of a title run in you got your arsed handed to you in

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weird alright

He makes it look easy. The likes of @Thomas_Brady and @Biff_Egan could learn a thing or two from him

His name is the giveaway

The teletext code to get you to the soccer pages. You can imagine him sitting there on a saturday afternoon in the 90s kicking the cat when teletext tells him razor ruddock is after scoring another og and they lose at Wimbledon


Razor Ruddock was before my time. I was only in the pram when he was elegantly strutting around Anfield.