Footix of the Day

Would peak footix be an Irish person joining an English “firm”?


@thedancingbaby is on a LOI whatsapp chat

Nobody responds to my comments (cc @Gman), even though I take on a polite & respectful @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy type persona. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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ah you meant that group? I didnt cop any of them saying Them Utd. gimps. They do try say its a LOI aficionados group though, very much about Irish football, except when they talk all the time about English football.

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Who is this eejit?

its @tazdedub

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ah looks its the cowardly cunt come crawling out from under his rock. pity the cowardly cunt wouldn’t stay under it.


By god, back with a bang


What’s a footix anyway?
And how is it different from a hurlix

What would a Hurlix be? Doesn’t follow club hurling but attends the big inter-county matches?

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Lads from Carlow that follow Kilkenny?



Pity he wouldnt watch harps sometimes instead of coming out with this

Sometimes the tap ins are more satisfying

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I attend 54% of Douglas games :person_shrugging:t2:

Offaly have serious Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to KK too.