Footix of the Day


How many LOI grounds would 52,000 fill?

Premier league teams often played pre season friendlies in LOI grounds and would usually put out strong teams , a good mate of mine made his debut and only appearance for Cork City against Man City

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My point was how many fans are they taking from the LOI.

The champions and the last team win it before them both playing now.

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Was that in Bishopstown? If so, I was at that. Got a rake of City autographs afterwards


He oozes footix

he has to be one of the cholesterol brothers

Another doozie here. He must be friends with lapsed poster @Dubhub

Edit; I was rushing here to log and you beat me to it grrr

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All of them I would say :thinking: If Shamrock every finished Horseshoe Park the rest might be more than 52,000

He’s incredible.

GPGs :rofl: :rofl:

@artfoley is pushing 50 & he is giving out match attack stats


says the lad in his mid 50s mulling through the football threads all day to put a quote in the footix thread. you must be the ultimate footix to have that kind of stamina

eh, im just past 40

open any EPL thread and the footix comments are there

aye, just 16 years slightly past 40.

youve done a bang up job of curating all those quotes and the dedication to trawl through the EPL threads to find them

Is he that old. Some cheek for a boomer to be lecturing on climate change

sure hes been driving a big diesel for over 25 years

Gas cunts

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It’s too easy

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a remarkable poster

I thought @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was driving an electric?