Formula One

As I said, as he matured he became a really likeable chap.

Winners tend to be cunts though

The team indulged him too much, shouldve told him to fuck himself.

Webber is an alright sort

Webber wasn’t in the same league as Seb. Hadn’t a fraction of his consistency and made so many errors in comparison

And yet he wouldve won a world championship ahead of vettel if it wasnt for team orders

Shur Red Bull were steeped that year tbf

From what I have heard he is supposed to be a world class prick off the track.

History will be kind to Vettel. He was superb in the V8’s and in the Hybrids for a couple of seasons, namely 2’15 and 2’17.

His environmentalism is completely at odds with F1 and that played a factor. For a guy who loves the history of the sport so much I wonder will we see him around anymore. I can’t see him getting involved behind the scenes in the short term.

Its definitely more reliable. Straight line speed definitely. Likes of Hungary will suit ferrari

I think Max is mentally far stronger than Charles.

In saying that there is a real talk about that last weekends off was a throttle issue and Charles had no choice but to take the heat or risk sanctions against team in relation to a serious fault.

His initial reaction to me was a car fault but alas only he or Binotto know the truth.

@carryharry @PasqualePaoli



Did you bring wet gear?

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Bought a fantastic aston martin umbrella. And ponchos. Thunder storm due around 1 o clock

Looks miserable there now at P3. I assume ye can see fuck all really bar spray?

Forecast much better for tomorrow.

Latifi tops the standings after P3. It’ll never last…

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You could see a lot tbf. It died down before hand. It was torrential. All dry now


Russell just mugged Sainz & Ferrari off.

Welcome to the Big Leagues at last George :clap::clap:

Max, Sergio, Christian & Co seething

The dutch crowd went very quite.

A fine showing of gaa jerseys at it. Dublin, carlow, kk, kerry, wexford and i met about 10 lads from Midleton all in cork jerseys.

You’re in for a cracker I think ( being wet might be the job )

The useless shower of cunts :tired_face:

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