Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

I’ve my turf stacked as a monument to the man. Used to just lorry it in before, not anymore.


The man had a serious pair of hands.


Shocking. In the TdeM community, there’s a family out of Glengarriff, the Dad passed away in his mid 30s, three gorgeous kids, young mum. Cancer is a cunt of a thing.


Two years ago today. Time flies. He’s still missed.


A quick two years for us here. Very much missed.


I remember going back to school after Christmas and I’d be working how many days until mid term or whatever break was next. It felt like an absolute age.

Once you get any bit older time absolutely flies.


I’m at the stage where I feel that I have crested the hill that is life. When you are young, you are in a rush to get there. I now want to slow down the descent.


I hear you. Youth is wasted on the young etc

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Jesus that’s beautiful and food for thought.


I read somewhere before that life feels like it goes slower in childhood because so many experiences are new to us so the brain is taking a longer time to process. As we get older, and fall more into routines and repetition and don’t learn new things as intensely, time feels quicker. At least I think that was the gist of it.


Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it


You’re still here? It’s over.


I think its all relative to your age. When you’re 20 years of age. A year is 5% of your life. At 40 its 2.5%. I think it genuinely works like that in your head anyway.

Time is an illusion really of course too. Can’t forget that.


My own analogy but I liken time to an elastic band. Over time it essentially gets stretched and frayed around the edges until one day it snaps. It’ll never return to the same form as first day. Probably more stronger and durable when wrapped around other elastic bands.


His spirit in singlehandedly keeping Everton in the premier league. One of the good guys here and sadly missed


You don’t really become fully conscious of being an actual person until you’re about 7. Everything up to that is a sort of blur. You know you’re alive but you can’t really make full sense of what you’re experiencing, you’re a like a kitten going mental play fighting with the rest of their litter.

Consciousness begins with experiencing major news events and understanding their significance, or watching FA Cup finals or All-Ireland finals, at least it did in my day.

The Herald Of Free Enterprise disaster. Spurs v Coventry 1987. Tipp v Cork on the radio in 1987.

So if you’re to say your fully conscious like begins around 7, that’s year zero. 1987 is Year Zero for me. I can remember lots of things from before 1987, I remember the Challenger blew up for instance, I recall there being a Live Aid concert, I can vividly recall the snow of 1982, which is my first memory, but at the same time all these things were a blur.

1987 for me felt like Year Zero, it was the world. This was how things were. 1987 was 100% of my conscious life. 1988 then became 50% of my conscious life. Years were very long things which constituted a very large part of your entire conscious life, and they were filled with intense meaning.

Now each year constitutes a miniscule portion of my conscious life, so each year feels more and more insignificant, and the meaning of each of them gets less and less.


I covered this already… Time doesn’t exist.


That’s a very quick two years. I remember first reading it on here and was I was shook after it. I remember seeing videos of him on here rattling in a couple of goals.
I hope his family are ok and keeping well.


Nicely put. Jesus I’d do anything to be 23 again. I didn’t know how good I had it. Youth is wasted on the young. Little cunts


18-25 The Golden Years back in the 90s.