Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

Champions of what?


And what?

Champions of all of ireland

In time served or charges pending?


All Ireland Champions of driving you demented it would seem

What did you mean?

Oh yere counting 2020?


Ah ok will we strike yere leinster title off in 2020 as well so? Realise ye only throw bob into the boot of the car afterwards but still like is it a three in a row in leinster or not?

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Did we win Leinster that year?

Some really lovely photos of Frank Heverins (Faldo) memorial and family on Kilkerin Clonberne facebook page. Lovely stone work in his memory just on perimeter of their field. Looks like he dragged a few lads out of retirement as well in a club game in his honour. Quite something to be held in that regard and esteem after you’ve gone.



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Top class. Thanks for sharing Johnny.


His poor girls,Christ that’s so sad.Frank must have been well regarded around the place.


@Faldo was punching, that’s all I’m sayin

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Ah that’s outstanding. I was up west recently and considered calling to his grave. I googled how far away I was and couldn’t justify to the missus and kids a hour round trip out of our way to visit a weirdo from the internet. I’ll get there some day hopefully.

Thanks for that


“His poor girls” were my foremost thoughts as well. Christ but its Cruel. If the photos are anything to go by the idiom “It takes a village to raise a child” looks to be the case here. Some small comfort.


There would be few parishes in the country that have kept the old Irish ways and customs as well as his own. I saw there was another relatively young pillar of the community who died earlier in the year and they had a fundraising walk from Knock to the village last month for the local hospice that took in well over 60k which is some gathering considering the size of the place. Even the way Faldo kept his garden and reek of turf showed how old values were cherished there.
But no matter how good the neighbours are, it seems awfully unfair the hand them girls have been dealt.


Still missed @Faldo

He was one bloody sound man.