Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

TFK will be closing on Wednesday morning (16th February) as a mark of respect to the late @faldo.

The forums will remain open for reading, but posting won’t be possible until later on Wednesday afternoon/evening.

There were many lovely words written about faldo on the other topic but if anyone has any memories, thoughts or comments they’d like to share please do so here.

RIP @Faldo


Frank Heverin, or @Faldo as he was to us, graced The Free Kick with his wit and his good charm for nigh on 10 years. His posts here gave us an insight into the flesh-and-blood man behind the moniker. We knew him as a family man, first and foremost, and his wife and daughters owned the secrets of his heart. His love of Galway GAA, Everton FC, and golf was a distant runner-up to the love of his wider family and friends. On occasion, he also gave us a window into his skill as a carpenter and woodworker, and his memory will live long in his work.

Frank broke the sad news of his illness to us in November last, and it brought most of us to a standstill. As a mark of the man he was, he only divulged his personal battle so that we might realise the importance of enjoying the time we have and that we take for granted. “If you’ve got kids, give them an extra hug tonight.”

On Saturday, 12th February 2022, Frank freed his breath from its restless tides. The sense of loss in our small online community has been immense, but it must surely pale in comparison to the loss his family is suffering. This thread is a chance for us to remember Frank, to preserve the memory of @Faldo, to recall an interaction we had with him, or to simply write a few words that may, in time, bring comfort to his family.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis. Ní bheidh a leithead arís ann.


You’ve me welling up @ironmoth. Lovely words.


Well put mate :clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Would it be possible, in the aftermath of this terrible tragedy and when things settle down a bit, to somehow perpetuate his memory here by re-titling either the Golf Tipping or the DIY threads.

The late @fistoffury might be similarly commemorated (the option of renaming the 2 threads is there) so possibly it’s something we might look at in the future.

Faldo’s DIY thread or words to that effect might fit the bill. Apologies if it’s deemed in any way inappropriate.


Frank aka @Faldo

My first interactions with him were on AFR and to say I was a rookie to Internet forums was an understatement.

Personally, I probably don’t take heed of half the shite I type at times and I absolutely respected how he never lowered the tone intentionally.

He probably never judged the shit I can come out with because he knew I was a soft ( or grand chap ) fucker behind it all.

We used to often send each other PM’s. He was always interested in how things were at home, with the kids & work.

His golf tipping was sensational but he was as cool as mustard about it all. There was zero ego involved.

I had been messaging up until news broke and I’m heartbroken for his wife, kids, family & friends.

To be honest I’m happy he’s at peace as he was struggling with treatment but his outlook was never negative.

One massive regret is we never played the round of golf we’d said we’d do over the years.

Time is against us all, take the time to do things lads. Try to minimise the regrets.

Rest easy Frank. A gentleman


Not for the first time in life, I’ve regretted not getting to know someone better. I’d have had a few PM conversations with Frank over the years. Mainly GAA or gambling related. Never too deep but usually a congratulations on tipping a big winner or him telling me to stop trying to wind up the Galway lads over being windy as they weren’t going to bite. It always struck me how he always wanted to send you an individual message rather than posting it on the main board. I never asked why. I’d like to think he felt it was more personal. Every message was nearly always signed off by some reference to him hoping all was well at home or with the family.

On hearing his news I felt fairly useless. I’d sent a few messages wishing him the best but in all reality knew there was little I could do. Out of the blue, he sent me a message on Xmas Eve asking for a few tips for Stephens Day as he was going to spend the day watching the racing with his brother. I sent him on a few (which were mostly terrible) and told him to contact @fenwaypark or @BruidheanChaorthainn for some proper tips. He said he would but he didn’t really mind if they won or not as it was more about enjoying the day with the other lad, and at least if they were losers he could blame someone else rather than having to admit he picked them himself!

I think he managed to back a few soccer winners that day. He said Stephens Day was always his favourite day of the year - A blast of pints and a few bets and not a bother…

He made himself sound so well that I thought he was out the gap. Little did I know.

I never knew how good a ball player he was until seeing the other posts. I’d say he’d have been a great lad to meet out. The sort of lad in a group that would take pleasure in rising everyone else but was untouchable by everyone else no matter how hard they tried. A gent and a huge loss. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

Rest easy Frank. RIP.


I know I can test peoples patience at the best of times but he was alway very sound to me. I actually regret now reading all the posts about his posts on the DIY thread that I didn’t look in there from time to time as I’m utterly hopeless at that sort of thing.

He liked to have a few quid on a horse and anytime I was on losing run or whatever I’d get a pm to keep the head up or asking how things were going etc.

He was a total gentleman and somebody we could all learn from especially me.

RIP Faldo.


I guess at the end of the day, none of us realise how important a place like this is to a lot of us who post here. Sure s lot of us will never meet face to face but the fact is we dont have to to build relationships. I had a few interactions with @Faldo after he broke the news but he was always more interested on how I was doing rather than his own battle. But judging by the few of you that knew him personally, that’s the kind of person he was.
I hope himself and @fistoffury are up there laughing their holes off at us as things start to heat up before championship gets going.
We’ve lost two members of the tfk family in a short period of time. What it has proved beyond all doubt is that this place behind everything is much more than a forum for middle aged men. Both @Faldo and @fistoffury contributed massively to that along with @joe_player. We should be forever grateful to them


I don’t have anything better to say, but he had the kindest face you’d ever see. Sometimes I wonder if some folk have spread enough kindness and love in the world, and have been allowed to go home.
Stupid sentiment I know, but there it is.


Never realised he had four kids and all girls too. You’re right @flattythehurdler, he has a very kind face, I’m sure his family are absolutely and utterly devastated.

He had that fantastic ability to be wonderfully cutting and extremely likeable in one single post.

RIP @Faldo


I don’t have much to say, I never knew him personally unfortunately.

But from here I think he was exactly what I was raised thinking a good man and a good Galwayman should be, he looked after his family, did well by his neighbours, was involved with his local clubs, worked hard and did good work, didn’t get involved in pointless squabbles, didn’t talk himself up, or others down. And had the craic. He was the best of us really.


The TFK Faldo Memorial Golf Outing would be a nice way to remember his presence here. Lads would have to wear Maroon or Blue.

I’d nearly dust down the auld Ping Eye 2s myself.


On the contrary, I think that is a beautiful sentiment, as is all that has been written here.
I really enjoyed his contributions and was just amazed at what gifted hands he had. The timber playground he built for the kids last year, his turf shed was immaculate and his gardens.
He was warm and kind. I was looking for a slain for turf cutting and when I enquired he told me he had one. We arranged for my brother in law, who lived nearby, to collect it. As it transpired they were acquainted and had a good chat. The brother in law made reference to his footballing abilities. Of course, he wouldn’t accept anything for the slain, a generous soul.
To watch those videos of him playing football was a thing of beauty and a wonderful gesture.
Its hard to make sense of the loss of young life and to think of his poor family at this time but they have a lot to be thankful for. It must have been a true joy to have shared a life, albeit one that was too short, with him.
My sincerest and deepest condolences, to his family and friends and those on here who had the privilege of knowing him. R.I.P Frank.


I’m sure it would be possible to organise a golf outing in his honour. Round up 10 or 12 lads from here and a few hangers on. Would be an opportunity to raise a few pound and give him his dues of uniting the forum. If it would take place on an annual basis his youngest daughter who is only 18 months old (if memory serves) by the time she turned 18 could have a healthy contribution towards college. Anyway something to think about.


I would, if appropriate, like to share the PMs that Frank sent me when my father’s final illness became apparent. They simply highlight the decency and compassion of the man.

@Rocko Can I do this via a simple copy and paste or is it more complicated?


Copy and paste should work.

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I used give him awful grief for his love of golf, but by god he’d never ever rise to it, a better man than me no doubt. But we bonded on occasion about Galway football and how at its best they were the only ones who could match Kerry for sheer natural grace of of style and play. Having seen him with a ball and reading about him I can understand why he had such an affinity for the conversation. I’d say he could make a ball sing. A good clubman, a volunteer, a committee man, a man of his community, missed and loved by those who knew him, Shur isn’t that it really?

When he revealed his condition we messaged over and back, the last one being over New Year Eve and Day, as I mentioned elsewhere. He hugged them tight that night, and I knew he was struggling with the prospect of the New Year and what it would bring. He carried a tough burden.

Ah fuck it lads, it’s only a cunt.


’I’m still crying after reading that… I’m an emotional wreck at the moment…
All you can do is be there for your mum. My heart goes out too you… This covid is making a balls of everything…
Thinking of you in what is a very hard time for you

Thank you so much, chief. It can’t be easy for you at the minute given the battle you’re fighting.

The auld lad has fought his too and won many rounds, but this was sadly the one that floored him. He’s been in poor health for a number of months and been in and out of hospital. The lockdown got to him and his youngest brother passed away unexpectedly last April which hit him badly also.

He was home for Christmas and I’m convinced he knew his time was up as he gave out cards with cash to all the family. As I said jokingly to him “where was this when I was 19 and hadn’t a pot to piss in?”

The hospital offered the option yesterday of ventilating him in ICU and putting him on life support. We decided against it as we reckoned it would be harder to choose the time to switch it off than it would be to let him drift away on his own terms. Thankfully, he’s not in any pain, other than complaining from a pain in his arse. He’s been doing that for my 49 years on this earth!

Look after yourself. You’ve won the first round and that’s massively important. I don’t know your family situation, but cherish them. They’ll be your best allies in tough times.

Beir bua.

Family is everything to me… I’m adopted and I’ve been blessed with 4 beautiful girls… Its breaking my heart at times looking at them now not knowing will I be around to see them grow up but I’ll keep fighting…
I think your dad would want that and I don’t know him. Very hard decision but believe me it’s the right one. I’m not the most religious person but my mother is and I suppose a bit has rubbed off on me. I’ve lit a candle for you your dad and your family. My thoughts are with you.

The first and third messages are those that Frank sent to me. As I said, the epitome of decency and compassion. May the eternal light shine on you, sir.


It’s just so very sad. I can’t really put any other words on it.