Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

Unfortunately I only knew online Faldo. However, I have learned in the last few days that was only a sliver of light into what Frank was really all about. A genuine, sound, decent family man. Talented in many aspects of his life, family orientated, brilliant workmanship and well able to play any sport he turned his thought too.
Over many years on AFR and here I’d read his posts on football or different sports. Any time I saw his name up I knew I would be reading good natured stuff with zero nonsense or spite in it.
I’d say he was the kind of fellow the community would gravitate to. So I can understand the massive loss he’ll be to them.
Still shocked he went so fast. He made so little of it I just made a hopeful assumption he’d get through it and tell us about it. What did I know. He is in my head the last few days. Especially after seeing those videos of him. I mentioned Frank to my wife today. Just to tell her what happened to some lad I never met. Just saying to her how fast he went in the end. She lost her mother to cancer so has wicked sympathies for his young family.
Sorry for the rambling post lads.
RIP Frank.


Like most here I only knew what he was here, but even from that you could tell he was a very decent man who loved his family very much. A superb craftsman, a shrewd golf punter and from what I’ve learned in the last few days clearly a very talented sportsman.
He has been in and will remain in my thoughts, as will his family.
Gone far too soon. Life, sadly, is just not fair.

May he rest in peace.


Sprine tingling :disappointed_relieved:


Lovely touch on the colours @Rocko


Bought pavers last summer and was going to do a patio myself but hadn’t a clue really what I was at. Had asked for advice here and Faldo came to the rescue. Gave me a pm a step by step guide. Couple of weeks later got a pm out of the blue asking how I got on. Genuinely cared how things went. One of the good guys. Thanks Faldo.


Plenty here far better wordsmiths than myself but id like to think this is a suitable choice. Sleep well Faldo.

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For so e reason or other, given his dedication to his family, this seems a little more apt


Great move- respect

Very very sad to read this news. I don’t follow TFK as much as many others here but did have interactions with @Faldo all of which were brief enough but still enough to figure out he was one of the good lads in life that’s you’d be glad you were aquatinted with. RIP young man


I’ve honestly been very cut up over his passing since I found out yesterday. I was broken a bit too by @fistoffury leaving this world but @Faldo on top of it has really upset me.

He was a top bloke and I often felt Id have to meet him and buy him a pint for tipping Bubba Watson when he won his first Masters. A top top man.

But I cant imagine what his poor wife and family are going through. God bless them.

It has dawned on me recently how fragile and short life can be, more than it ever did previously. Fuck me lads but embrace your friends and family. Make the best of things.


The crowds lining the roads around Clonberne this evening told you needed to know about Frank. A hugely popular figure who will be missed by all who knew him.

Its just very sad lads. There are a bunch of us here who have evolved from AFR to TFK… single men, to married men to fathers and Frank was one of us and now he’s gone and the it hits hard. I cant even bring myself to think about his poor wife and kids. There is a huge sense of unfairness about the whole thing that’s hard to reconcile but cancer doesn’t do sentiment.

My first encounters with him were back on AFR many moons ago. I was slating another poor Galway performance and little did I know his brother was playing and by god he stoutly defended him. He was hugely proud of Ger and his achievements and I was lucky enough to have spent an evening in their company many moons ago. He was an accomplished athlete himself of course and I’ve heard plenty tales from my brother in law who soldiered with him in the red of Clonberne. I regret not getting to know him better, there was plenty times we spoke of “pints” but we never got around to it, life is busy I suppose.

The bed of heaven to him. We’ve lost one of our own.


Just read the death notice on rip, when you see his 4 girls name in front of you it would stop you in your tracks
Reading all the comments from people who had interactions with or knew Frank seems like a complete gent has been taken far far too soon


Was this the Ger of inspirational 2005 run fame?

It’s a very tough one with a wife and four young kids. I lost a good friend over in England a few weeks ago, who died suddenly and left four young kids behind as well. A few of the UK based lads here were friendly with him as well through GAA circles over there.

It’s heart breaking and devastating leaving such a young family behind. I did get an awful sense of foreboding straight away back in November when reading through his initial posts about his illness that hard and all as he was going to fight it, @Faldo knew it was a losing battle and his time was up. It was typical of the selflessness of the man that his only concern was for his wife and four young daughters.

RIP Frank


Look at the lazy bollix


That really does say it all.

Goodbye my friend.

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RIP @faldo.