Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

@Faldo would surely be happy with the day it fell on. He kept the Liverpool fans quiet for the day and @BruidheanChaorthainn had a belter!


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis


Bed of roses @Faldo , may God bless your love ones.


RIP @Faldo. A truly wild day out there today and a very sad one too. Thoughts and prayers with your family and friends and everyone who knew you.


Frank and his brother Ger Farragher are the heads off one another. Obviously a very talented sporting family. As the old saying goes an ounce of breeding is worth a tonne of feeding. Some going for Frank to still have been playing at the top level for his club at 41.


I watched the funeral back in the office, when it was quiet. I was unsure if I should, as I didn’t know the man personally and all that.

I didn’t think seeing the funeral of a relative stranger would leave me as upset or moved. The innocent little girls bringing up the daffodils. All the hallmarks of the @Faldo we ‘knew’ through our community. The golf ball. The Heineken glass. The football. The jerseys. The Ev. The craftsman. The family man.

A wonderful piece from his brother, that confirmed what we all probably knew already - @Faldo/ Frank was a legend of the INTERNET and clearly a legend of a man.

There’s no gas, no barbed wire, there’s no gun firing now… Rest easy pal.


I obviously missed this connection?
I lived with Ger’s brother for a year in Sydney.

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I was wondering what the story was with the colours, fair play @Rocko and to all of you on this beautiful tribute. My condolences to @Faldo’s family and friends, may he rest in peace.

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Couldn’t bring myself to look in.

I’ll pay him a visit soon to say good luck properly


Fair play to you, I’m sure the family would be happy that he touched ‘strangers’ off the internet to that extent,
I couldn’t have put myself through something as sad as that unnecessarily,
The poor kids, an awful tragedy, bed of heaven

I’d love to hear the eulogy, but couldn’t watch it otherwise.

May his people welcome him with open arms. God speed.


@Faldos brother today said he was going to be going back training to help people with special needs.


I’ll send you on a link when I’m back later and let you know the part to watch from. The priest began his own form of eulogy to @Faldo but cut himself short as he didn’t want to overlap.

This is the video of the ceremony. Am I reading this right that he was Ger Farraghers brother? Or am I getting my wires crossed?

Edit - the RIP notice clears this question up for me.

RIP Frank


@Lazarus has kindly set up a donation page for @Faldo’s family’s chosen charity:


He was indeed.

How far in is the eulogy does anyone know?
Thanks for posting @Mac

I’m disappointed I never knew that. As I said I lived with one of Gers other brothers in Australia and was in occasional contact with him for a few years after coming home.

Good man @Lazarus

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