Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

Dont like em. I’m a boot cut man myself

Certainly is wearing that jacket :smiley:

Now now Art. The wife loved it.


Loved it or bought it?

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No I bought it. She loved it.

Look, it’s not my style but each to their own

To be honest I’ve worn nothing but tracke bottoms for 4 months, lost all respect, got some nice new T-shirt’s alright

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Same as. Plus when I was sick , I lived in em. Maybe I’m weird but we have friends coming round tonight and I guarantee you the men will arrive with belly hanging out over the jeans a d a pair of trackies. I swore never to go down that route. I think I kts absolutely disgusting for a middle aged man to let himself go like that just because he’s "settled "



If you like a nice t shirt get a custom fitted one from

Never have more then the top button of the shirt open. I’d tuck the shirt in normally but I’m having a few beers tonight and my little "fashion accessory " wont take kindly to that later


Car keys into the bowl job?

I can but hope. Would kill for the bed to myself for the night

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Feeling good… etc

You should follow the bootlegger on twitter

He’s tremendous fun.

“Alright laddssss…”

‘Bore Da pop pickers’

A right functioning alcoholic

The Flamethrower must have some patience.

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Looking slick pal

Weirdo alright. Sure go ahead and talk to your real life friends, if you think it’ll make you happy

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I love the idea mate but 80 euro for a t-shirt :laughing:

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