An umbrella into his spokes will soon put a stop to his gallop.
That would be a foolishly dangerous thing to do.
indeed, an umbrella to the face of this particular wanker would be the way to go
Sure yeah, you sound like a reasonable member of society.
Do you think the best way to tackle it would be express your impotent rage on an anonymous internet forum or to simply confront this man and say it to him on one of the many occasions you encounter him, according to you?
itd be hard to confront him, hes normally quicker than me, hes on a bike
Expressing your impotent rage on an Internet forum it is so!
Pudding that comes in a rectangular shape.
As opposed to what shape?
Back wheel would be ok. Front wheel, not so good.
That’s brilliant. Must get one for salmon season and point it into the boot of my car.
True and it mightn’t do him a bit of harm to give him a rattle.
We could do that around here with slurry tanks. Tanks get cleaned and salmon get fired up the river, everyone’s a winner.
Ye cunts and yer slurry tanks are half the reason the Salmon are fucked
I’m sure that’s what most simpletons like you believe. The County Councils cause the vast majority of pollution in Ireland.
A load of lads have phoned in sick this evening meaning I’ll probably have to work my full hours for the next three night shifts like some sort of private sector mug
Fior Gael Dubs - they’ll hardly be back in Monday either
Where is your dishwasher and washing machine outflow going?