Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I wouldn’t be a man for breakfast rolls myself but this is actually quite smart behaviour from the two. Only a deviant would eat a full one unless they were on the beer the night before. Cutting it half halves the price and gives them plenty of pig product in bread. It’s a wonder these lads are working in the financial/banking sector though with such financial acumen. I thought they’d be weeded out by now


If I ate breakfast rolls I would share them for sure.


This should be in the things that are right thread mate.

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I’d give you my sausage.

@Bandage has judged this one all wrong it seems

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Is that a weekly or daily occurrence?

Ating (half) a breakfast roll every day is fairly indulgent calories.

It’s never nice to be excluded.

A grown man sidelined, watching on, as others merrily share their sausage -He walks in to a wall of loneliness every time he sees it - and it hurts.


Every few Fridays. A little treat before the weekend. There is an opening for me as one of them has taken a redundancy package and is leaving at Christmas.


You’ll get one shot.

Are you going on about that time some poor guy working a menial job made a small mistake and you were a patronising and superior cunt to him, again?

Sorry pal. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you when you salted my fries.

They are probably having a good laugh at Bandage with his flat white

Congrats on moving up to Mongahan mate. I must have missed the announcement.

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Ah, That’s what happened to @Brimmer_Bradley

The only junior employee to benefit from such a case should be an apprentice blocklayer. However I can’t imagine you moving breeze blocks with one hand so I have to conclude TNH

What if he is the secret pooper or whatever you called him. Fecal matter is not to be sniffed at.

I was chatting with the barrista this morning and she mentioned the extra tax they’re introducing on disposable coffee cups. Because I use a keep-cup my coffee is currently 20c cheaper anyway so I asked if the disposable coffee will be 40c dearer and she said nope, both are going up. When I pointed out the unfairness she shrugged her shoulders and in her lovely Eastern European accent said “this is fucking Ireland, pay loads of tax and get nothing for it”.

You and your Eastern European friend have confused corporate greed with taxation there mate

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