Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Moggie lacks the basic common sense to stay off the airwaves during an election campaign

Moggy was about to sell up to an American company. It was only fellow directors who stopped him as the optics were sooo bad.
Moggy is an abnormal individual and a coward.

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Sadism is an integral part of right-wing politics

Look at how Bridgen defended him

The depths of hatred the Tories have for the working class and especially people who live in social housing is utterly depraved

Name me a Tory front bencher who it isn’t basic common sense to keep off the airwaves in a general election campaign

Lady beside me on the train earlier reading ‘My wife married a feckin eejit’ by Bernard O’Shea.

First chapter called ‘He told me that he once shaved his pubic hair’.

I’d recommend a shorn scrotum myself.

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30 seconds with a hurley :rage:

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There are two lads in the office who sometimes share a breakfast roll.



Do people still eat breakfast rolls ?

No -they look at it for the duration of their tea break and fuck it in the bin when they are done.

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I used to work in a country pub back in my late teens/early 20s.

There was a local milkman who used to frequent the pub every day after his milkround. He would arrive in at 2pm and be home for 7pm and drink 5 or 6 pints. He was a talkative enough chap and would be a great man to argue with the 6.1 news each evening by the time he was on his 5th or 6th pint.

One day there was a discussion about a local shop/deli. The milkman informed me that they had the best breakfast rolls in the are and that he gets the works in his including beans!

To make matters worse, he then told me that they would put so much into the roll that he would get two days out of it. He would eat half of it and then place the other half in the back of truck in the refrigeration unit and finish it the next day! Utter deviant behaviour.

People reading this post will not be surprised to read that the man in question was found in possession of child porn a few years later.


Unreal. These two lads are in their late 40s/early 50s, live in the same general area and often bump into each other on the morning train commute. So they’ll be walking from the station to the office and, reading between the lines, it seems one of them goes into Spar or wherever and buys a breakfast roll “with the works”. The other chap strolls onto the office kitchen to put on the kettle and get a couple of plates out on the table. He’ll have the first lad’s tea ready when the breakfast roll man arrives in a little while later with a big, dirty, halved roll. Then there’s the usual banter about who’s getting the big half today and so on. It’s obscene stuff.


It’s great that these two guys have sparked up a meaningful friendship — are they married or bachelors?

I was trying to think of which two posters would carry on like that in the TFK canteen ?

They seem like two grand lads. I’d say they’re the pure solid finest.


@Locke and @TheUlteriorMotive would fit the age profile and both have that affability factor.

