Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Ah its cleared up now. I gave them a buzz there today and got an apology. It’s way down the line in terms of shit that’s gone wrong for me in the last couple of years

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Did you make sure that this doesn’t appear on a credit record?

Yes. And I’ve asked for written clarification of same and received an e mail confirming it .

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Be worth requesting your credit record from the Central Bank (free for the 1st time) in a couple of months. I got mine there a while back it’s worth it just to make sure everything is oxo


Yea. Cheers chief. I’ll do that

You need to be 60 days in arrears in reality before they log a missed payment with the credit bureau. He is fine

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Ad-hoc shit like that plays havoc with all the nightly jobs and bits of sellotape keeping the show on the road in the background.


Priorities boy, you got it right

From @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s Facebook? He’s a stickler for correctness.

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For God’s sake

That’s appalling,heard the mother of that poor kid on radio yesterday awfullllll

Have to appeal that loony decision from what I can gather it’s not even a slap on the wrist for a clearly premeditated gbh,in britland those scouts would be locked up

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Is there anything more fucking annoying than your wife/girlfriend springing some absolute shitfest on you to attend and saying “remember i told you about this you agreed to go”

When she knows full well no such discussion ever occurred. Drives me fucking bananas


Is it the wife or the girlfriend this time?


You’re trapped in an abusive relationship, tell her to stop gaslighting you.


Yes. Giving out about me coming home at one or so after the pub when I only went out at 9.30 or so but deciding that her nights out start at about 2pm with lunch and drinks and then arriving in drunk about midnight.


Was that second bit supposed to be a sentence?

Marriage is a sentence. Geddit!! Boom boom!

Edit. Apologies. Of course you don’t get it.