Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I dont understand how they can all make money so many of them and most people take out insurance with phones these days for repairs. I can only assume theres dodgey bookkeeping going on. Cash only also increases my suspicion.

I have heard of a case where one of these lads on William street kept texting a girl I know who had her phone in for repair for dates, whatā€™s app and added her on fb. Creepy fuckers

You need to be careful with those mobiles. My own bank is now insisting that you need to load their App onto a mobile to access online banking on a PC. Iā€™m happy enough with the safety of my own PC but not one bit happy about the App. Iā€™m thinking of changing banks but thatā€™s probably just kicking the can down the road.

A massive fly buzzing around my sitting room in December.

Flies love shite



Thatā€™ll be the global warming

Tis fierce mild when the wind dies down alright.

Itā€™s lose

Your right.

Every which way.

Not a bad little country to do business in all the same

Gas isnā€™t it. I had a few spare bob there last month and decided to knock a few bob off the mortgage. So I went in and did a manual transfer and low and behold I get a letter today saying Iā€™d missed my November payment.


Did you miss your payment Mike?

How could I miss my payment when I was prepaying a few months.

Generally if you overpay it comes off the lump sum, it doesnā€™t reduce next monthā€™s payment

I told the stupid cunt in the bank that the lump some was to include Novemberā€™s payment and the additional few bob was to come off the balance. I understand what your saying. In hindsight I should have just let the direct debit go through and then lump it in.


Could you not just elect not to pay and pay ā‚¬1000 to a personal insolvency practitioner and get a debt write down.

Iā€™ve never missed a mortgage payment kid

Apart from last month?


Vent your anger here Mike.

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