Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

It’s disgusting.
I bought my wife an SUV
I drink beamish
I drink €3 bottles of water.


You’re worse than mrs bucket

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There is a certain tension between them.

He’s Billy Big Balls now. With ten men under him.

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The lads are sharing a couple of tea bags between them.

Give the man a break. A year ago he was on deaths door and then he caused a motorway pileup. He’s entitled to live it up a little now.


Her majesty got a promotion and thinks it’s fair game to flaunt ostentatious spending online and call me a parasite because I am a hard working public servant. It’s people like that that ruined the country.

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giphy (25)

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Bodies of three children found at Dublin home https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2020/0124/1110750-dublin-house/

A lovely, if slightly bizarre set to going on in the National Hurling League 2020 thread, and then you have lads trying to wedge themselves into the middle of the narrative. Get out to fuck out of it and let them at it ye cunts.

Disgusting attack.

Nice to see he wasn’t phased by the incident and took up his position again the following morning.

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The Ryanair ad states "because we care about the environment we try to fill every seat on every flight "



…By increasingly making them more expensive as they get scarcer.

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There will be more to this than meets the eye (I really really hope)
That simply cannot be true as stated??


Jesus Christ

That’s terrible stuff.

What in the name of fuck prompts that. Too horrible to even contemplate.

Fuckin cunt

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