Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

A tin of beetroot smashed?


Maybe I should have said jar rather than tin, but yes it smashed.


Thereā€™s nothing worse than causing yourself a load of work, by being lazy

Yes you should have said jar.

Who even has that in their fridge :nauseated_face:

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Not me anymore.


Just be grateful you didnā€™t try and juggle it on your foot when it fell.

Or did youā€¦

I made an initial move to do so.

But I had kicked my runners off in the hall so dragged my foot out of the way and let the jar smash.

In the heat of the moment, Santi Canizares missing a World Cup or Euros when a bottle aftershave landed on his foot must have somehow come into my mind.

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Beetroot, of all things. I so feel your pain.

I feel your pain, mate. I dropped two (2) pint glasses of Guinness in my gaff in 1 night there before Christmas, one on my sitting room floor and the other on the kitchen floor. Needless to say, I was quite tired and emotional and spent a good half hour Iā€™d say attempting to clean it up. When I got up the next day, you wonā€™t be surprised to learn that the clean up job was not exactly a stellar effort and there was Guinness and glass absolutely everywhere.


This is the things that are wrong thread mate,

Thatā€™s brilliant

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Great to see chah and miah looking so well

Iā€™m sure you donā€™t actually agree with that hypothesis mate, as itā€™s complete bollocks.
What is happening here is that these men are violent, controlling arseholes who see their partners and children as their possessions and if they canā€™t have them, no one will. So they kill them.
61 women were killed by their male partners or ex-partners in Australia last year. 61.
9 women and 5 children have been murdered this year. Men need to have a good look at themselves.


Iā€™ve seen people blow their lid for no rhyme or reason at all. Even around hereā€¦

Hard to know what to believe; was just a line of thinking id heard put forward. Suicide was a purely selfish act a decade ago. While still recognising the selfish element, weā€™ve a bit more understanding to it now.

Funeral in Strabane

You probably need to move this to the traveller thread