Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I saw him walk in with two packs ā€¦

If thatā€™s the toilets in the station at Parnell place then the second pack was probably for the chap he was meeting there, a real romantic


I was in the chemist the other night getting my prescription when the fella in front of me starts up. Graham? Yes Roger (it is Sutton after all) I have a question for you. Go on. Would you have anything for a touch of psoriasis? I have an itch here and here he says pointing at bits of his stomach.
What the fuck is it with people?

I was in a pub in Dublin when a another guy joined the next urinal. He had a pint in one hand and proceeded to make the necessary adjustment to allow himself to have a piss. Then he took out his phone and let his lad roam free, while reading his phone intently along with taking a few slugs from his pint.

I debated calling the guards as such a monster needs to be taken off the streets.


You sure it wasnā€™t Mohill?

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To freshen the breath

Iā€™ve seen bad in Mohill but never as bad as that!

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That moment when youā€™re listening to some cunt drone through an interminable speech and he says but Iā€™ll come back to that later.


Hereā€™s something thatā€™s wrong, dropping up a confirmation pressy for my grandniece this morning,niece informed me that her deadbeat dad wonā€™t pay half/ half for her braces,wonā€™t pay steady maintenance despite court appearances etc,barely sees her and isnā€™t v interested in her well being etc I find this bloody hard to fathom,his own family in total have disowned him and are v good to my g niece,but obviously she wants her dad in her life, going to secondary school this summer is a huge step and as she has slight learning difficulties having daddy close would help her through it,but the bollox is shacked up with another family and doesent want to know about his own kid fucking awful,p.s. sheā€™s a really sweet oul softie to boot,ps he has a decent job

attachment of earnings order is the only job here.

then again, id be amazed if there wasnt some fuck acting going on from the mother as well over the years and that could exlain why heā€™s thrown his hat at it


No honestly heā€™s a plonker,heā€™s not wanted at any family gathering ( his family) disowned,mother fucked him out years ago but even before that all he was good at was drawing the bru filling his belly and smoking his head off,he copped on years later but wonā€™t spend his time or cash with his daughter, unfair,we would have gladly buried the bastard years ago but for the fact heā€™s our nieces biological dad

fair enough. attachment of earnings order: the maintenance will be taken out of his wages before he sees it.

Thanks for the advice Iā€™ll pass it on now

Every cunt that has abandoned a child should have his wages/dole docked weekly by the state tbf.


For every man not paying maintenance, thereā€™s a woman frustrating access, both equally damaging to the child

Difference is that while a man can and will be jailed for not paying court ordered maintenance a woman will never be jailed for not facilitating court ordered access



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Iā€™m wfh home today and went to the shop just before 2pm. Came back with some items and was trying to jimmy a 2 litre bottle of milk into a narrow gap on the fridge shelf when it disturbed a tin of beetroot which fell out of said fridge and smashed all over the floor. There were pieces of glass and beetroot juice strewn all over the kitchen floor (somehow in the farthest corner from the incident), the fridge door, under the fridge, and my leisure tracksuit pants got destroyed too. I donā€™t know how some of you manage to clean up crime scenes so well - it took me ages to get the place sorted.


I have a guy you could have called.

Next time.

I heard you paint houses?