Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

nowhere near as prestigious as the COTY trophy hell be sharing with Dr death in January

“Cat malojan” was what I remember. Anybody know its origins?

Dullard according to the plaque in Moone, which presumably was commissioned by her family.

I see and acknowledge that plaque and reflects poorly on it’s creator. Dollard is the surname in question and that commerative stone needs correction. Wiki concurs on the issue.

Informative. I have seen both Dollard & Dullard reported but assumed Dullard was correct based on this plaque.

My understanding is Dullard is correct. The family have had literature in the past and have always used that spelling

Wouldn’t you think, given the connotations, they’d have stuck with the Dollard option.
Point taken nevertheless. Next…

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RTÉ/ Examiner both using Dullard today

Taking their lead from Ireland’s foremost health, news and US politics forum.


Shouldn’t have tried to enter the country with their parents, what did they expect

And as for your grandma, she shouldn’t have mouthed off like that

This is fucking mental and disgraceful.

Has Angelina Jolie or Madonna been asked can they step in?

Plamaser that guy

America is mental. Jurors with attorneys

The job of a grand jury like any jury is to consider the charges that are brought before them, not consider charges that are not brought before them. Ask yourself the question how you would prosecute this case and convince a jury of homicide given that the cops returned fire after they were shot at and one of them was wounded. Consider it a test of your legal skills.

There are certainly a lot of mentallers in America, more than the average western country for sure. Most of us are sane enough though and somehow avoid being shot by a cop. There’s a few very sensible rules to follow when it comes to interactions with cops, rules that have stood to me well on the few occasions I have been stopped for minor traffic violations.

Don’t argue with the cop, do what he asks you to do. Don’t physically fight with the cop or try and steal his weapons. Don’t unexpectedly reach for stuff in suspicious places like reaching under your car seat. Don’t try and stab or shoot the cop.

They smashed into a house where the guy they were looking for didn’t live with no warning in a country that has the 2nd amendment. I’m surprised that this doesn’t happen more