Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

No 5. Donā€™t be black


No. 6.

No TFK activities on the freeway.

Imagine a cop grabbing your phone cos you were TFKing and driving. Heā€™d probably have you committed to a serious rehab facility.

Racist and weird comment.
60% or roughly 600 of the people shot dead by cops each year are white, most of them according to the cops justifiably. Are you going to start a white lives matter movement?

I didnā€™t realise you were Sean Hannity.It all makes sense now.:grinning:

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But that means 40% are not. 40% is a sizeable minority.

That was told to me by a black cop who was sitting on the next barstool to me.

One of these disbelievers is Sean Hannity. On Aug. 13, Hannity said that when heā€™s got a legal firearm in his carā€”as one does, apparentlyā€”and heā€™s pulled over by the police, he puts his hands up, steps out of the car, and lifts up his shirt so the cop can see his gun.

Judging by Hannityā€™s still being alive, flashing a gun at police turns out OK for him. However, Kimani Gray, a black 16-year-old who witnesses say was shot by the NYPD after he adjusted his belt, wasnā€™t so lucky.

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Yes, but letā€™s focus on the white people for now. Of the 600 and so shot dead every year, thereā€™s probably about 10 that are not clearly justified. Would you support a white lives matter movement?

I love the way you causally tell us that a cop told you that.And not any cop,but a Black one.:grinning:

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Most of the cops where I live are black.

Some of my best friends are black.


Cops get it wrong sometimes, sometimes in results in someone getting shot unjustifiably, sometimes it results in a cop getting shot. I would even agree that cops are too trigger happy on occasion, but there are also many occasions where a cop hesitating has cost him his or her life. See the video of the two cops shot on the roadside, not having their guns drawn cost them their lives. Do those lives matter?


All lives matter mate.But putting a dozen bullets in some young lads back is wrong.Too many ex service members with mental health problems on too many forces.


Youā€™re not allowed say that (WLM). Itā€™s either black lives matter or all black lives matter (even if they donā€™t, black cops lives donā€™t matter according to noted rapper @Turenne.

What percentage do each of the four things you outlined?

Probably none. The great majority are armed and out of their minds on whack. The few that are unjustified are where the cop loses his head because of some escalation.

This is the things that are wrong thread, character and this is fucking well wrong no matter what way you slice it or explain it away but you crack on and enjoy your e-life to the fullest.
Legal skills? Go fuck yourself.

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Temper, temper. Try and outline how you would convince a jury to convict on homicide there like a good chap, or fuck right off. Another vacant brain spoofer.

Keep on charactering mate.