Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

This is hardly new. If it makes him feel good about himself, what harm? The cratur

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how many times have lads put up a screenshot of all your last posts? I’d say thats at least the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen someone do that. you certainly have a way about you!

Not everyone can pull it off. Conditions have to be just right and if you’re spotted a lad can bomb you out of it ruining the lot.

it really drives some lads mental when it happens. @sidney was also an aul rogue for it too

So much anger in lads hearts. Let the love in lads

@myboyblue your standards are slipping, you used to be able to have 20 topics in a row. what happened?

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The collective lost a man earlier this year. The COVID. We dont like to go on about it. But its put a strain on the rest of us.

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COVID has been a real leveller ,no longer are you the only one locked away in a room at home all day…

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Speaking of which, how are your other inmates inside in Portlaoise these days?

I’d take it over your base in arbour hill …


Wait a minute, you said I was at home earlier. Can you drug addled mind not keep a train of thought together?

It is your home pal…accept it .

Listen, just because you were born to a junkie in the Joy.

Escooters have a eight times higher rate of head injury than bikes

They are inherently unstable.

Almost hit a fucker breaking a red light on one of these yokes last night. No high vis or nothing at least majority of cyclist obey lights and wear the protective gear

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victim blaming 101

As are their riders

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Yeah could have damaged my car. Thats reserved for me caging in cyclists not ploughing down these trendy young people

They are for people on bikes who are too lazy to exercise