Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

He found out you had a fanny?

This kind of shit really boils my piss.What an awful waste of money.


Self service tills.

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They work well once you get the hang of them or, more exactly, the “bagging area”

Its the gobshites that stand there in the small tescos causing a queue all because they won’t use the self service till and won’t say to anyone behind them that they are not using it.

So not self service tills then

Lovely ,Cork I take it? It’s gone to the fucking dogs

She’d no breeding obviously,I know it sounds bad but I’d have let her know good and fucking loud that what she’s done was unacceptable v loudly and wouldn’t care who was listening

On the edge hurling


The Dept of Education are a shit show when it comes to IT. I’ve been in a couple of forums where they were involved and they wouldn’t be even ashamed to tell you how bad it is.

We had one particular group of professionals who insisted on paper payslips being posted to them. So we charged them €2.50 per payslip for the privilege… and that was the end of that.


Seems to be the soccer crowd, but the training gear worn by teams now is unreal. Like a wetsuit. Bate into them. Worst is the managers, auld lads wearing skin tight track bottoms. All wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


My phone has been giving me ads for funeral homes for the last few days lads. I dont remember discussing funerals and I certainly didnt Google it. Wtf? It is linked to my Fitbit thing though…


You had a good innings. Hypothermia is a curse.

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We’ll remember you near water.

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Thanks lads. Ar chlè Dè go mbeidh m’anam.*


Posting in seven threads in a row in five minutes is wrong. How can someone dissect all the most recent posts in that time frame from each thread and then type out seven cogent posts? This is spamming.


That is beautiful :heart_eyes:


It picked up on the Berlingo

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It’s all your talking and questions about insurance. Your phone thinks you’re going to Croke it. The two go hand in hand.

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