Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Cyprus league is higher than the LOI surely?

Yes. That’s what is wrong.

No Hurling or Gaelic in Cyprus, they’ve an unreal advantage.

Not noted for their rugby exploits either.

Neither is Ireland

You set that one up lovely

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Pretty sure they have won as many knockout games at rugby world cups as us


@BruidheanChaorthainn, can you check this for Mick?

And not q great team. either, though MM is in charge

Just found out a lad I grew up with died yesterday with a massive heart attack. Only mid 40s.


A funny age they call it. If you can get to 50 at all, you’ll be grand.

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The Murtaghs don’t look too good here.

Gives you a strange feeling doesen’t it?
While I lived away I didn’t keep up with the local news in Bishopstown, so got quite a few of those frights, neighbours, school pals and one close friend who was in the states for years

Don’t believe it, my 2 brothers were over 50, other in his mid 30s,sister around the 46 mark, take fuck all for granted folks ref health

Yep it does make you think especially with my birthday coming in a few days. He was just a month or 2 older than me.

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Live as much as possible for the moment, all mine like me were /are worriers bar one

It’s life bud don’t dwell on it, I don’t

Works out at about 1.45mil per family, before legal fees. I’m not sure if my friend’s family are covered by this settlement. Hope they get another going-over in the civil case.

Should they not be jailed? That’s outrageous.

I wouldn’t be against it but don’t think there’s any moves in that direction? From what I’ve read the cover-up of the system faults went right across the upper management

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