Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

What part of China is he in? Can he not do it like in the movies and go on a run for it and avoid the capture of a huge manhunt by using all kinds of ingenious stunts and then make it to the Irish embassy and get the Irish army to come in and helicopter him out?



Bang, there it is

Havenā€™t a clue where he is but thereā€™d be no getting out of China. Youā€™d get out of North Korea easier.

Iā€™m surprised his connections arenā€™t worth more in the Dept of Foreign Affairs. I wonder is he a black sheep.

Thereā€™s clearly sum ting wong alright.


He doesnā€™t want it enough!

If theyā€™d fuck off the BBC, what chance has one Irish cousin of Garett Fitzgerald?

My thoughts exactlyā€¦ Sitting around waiting for the Chinese to lock him up. Richard Gere would be home 6 months agoā€¦


Chinese mightnt like us doffing the cap to Biden I think I read off Joe Brolly

Have you ever made love to a Chinese woman?


Itd be fantastic Iā€™m sure. Maybe he should turn on the lads and set up shop over there.

Itā€™s really strange. The wider they spread their legs the tighter they becomeā€¦

They have slinty fannies you see.

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Sweet Jesus


The Colombia 3 did it no bother


Miriam is flirting with Luke Oā€™Neill here, :moneybag:

Mars from Studio 66

They did. This fella has no fight in him at all.


Brian Whelahan couldā€™ve gone off in 94

I curried the favour of one once. We went for a spring roll. It was a mixed experience. Sweet and sour. Still we gave it a good go, 3 in 1 night. My balls were battered after it. She was a cracker though