Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)


A boycott of all Chinese takeaways lads… We can play hardball too.

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Did you give her a good hoisin

Mooted 30 posts ago. Time to tool up.


Lee Chin could get some rare gainful employment here as a mediator


He does four to half six and then comes in and cashes up.

From what I can tell most Chinese restaurants in this country are run by Malaysians

A huge amount of Malaysians are ethnically Chinese


Don’t scam the scammers

Don’t mind him he’s only bullshitting you. I fucked one of them in the late 1990’s. They’re the same as a normal woman only a bit smaller.

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A mate of a friend’s kid got locked up in China for what we would call hijinx. 17 years old. About 4 months in prison with no visitors and a couple of embassies enquiring about him. Suddenly released without charge.
Another lad was a Scottish financial type who had a nasty habit of fucking the wrong people over and then got put in prison for a small enough Visa issue. Spent a few months in there.
You do not fuck about with the Chinese police/government.

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Yep they dont fuck about

What’s a wang?
Was she Chinese also?

Wan with a g


I went out to Tescos there earlier to buy some face masks.
The security guy wouldn’t let me in because I had no face mask.

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Bit of a chicken and egg situation.

Wouldn’t let him in for those either


This really should be in the things that are right thread, and hopefully will end up there. Huge occasion tonight lads, 30th anniversary. I’d say not many here can imagine it. Obviously an occasion to celebrate and have been thinking about it for a while (a few days). Would love to go out as that’s what we have done every year of 1-29 and why break a habit. But although restaurants are open, it’s outside dining and it’s cold and maybe rain will come.

So, say I, I’ll cook for you. I mean I can cook and cook well but it would have to be special. We love dining out and frequenting small lesser known places, it’s utterly heartbreaking many of those places are now shuttered permanently. Gone forever like the snow of last winter. Not many are open tonight and it is cold and might rain.

So I made the decision to cook. Then made a cardinal error, ate a whole brownie from a batch I made over Christmas for the kids and visitors (visitors love edibles). I am so out of it but battling with virtue like a wounded Galway in the last 10 minutes in 2018.