Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Thereā€™s too much sympathy for men like this. Me and lots of other men go through depressive periods in their lives but they donā€™t plan to murder their children. There was a lot of bollocks talked during the Sarah Everard incident but women are right that cunts like this need to be called out louder.


Fuck. Thatā€™s heartbreaking stuff. She was only a child herself compared to him.

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Never stop it until the law gets real


Thatā€™s one of the most disgusting things Iā€™ve read. Itā€™s hard to fathom that. Fuck sake.

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Like, what did the mother think would happen? Iā€™m not right after reading it. Remembering when our own kids were that age. 6 fuckin days like. And off partying. Ridiculous

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She was off partying?

Thatā€™s what the article says

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I read the article, dont remember that bit.

Iā€™m assuming youā€™re taking the piss so will leave it there

Crossed wires Iā€™d say. The young one in England was off partying

Couldnā€™t bring myself to open the link

Lifeā€™s too short to spend reading that

The girl in Cork? She wasnt out partying.

Read up

The Cork story is dreadful. That poor woman. Youā€™d be ashamed of rural Ireland sometimes.


The hungry cunts who tried to keep hold of her legal right share should be publicly named, shamed and shunned

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Everyone knows who they are. He didnā€™t sign the land over to someone outside the family

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A group of volunteers went to do a clean up in Young Munsters on Saturday. There is bushes along the permiter wall backing onto a housing estate. In these bushes was a landfill full of fly tipped waste, washing machine parts, car parts, cans, bottles, pallets and household waste. There probably is 3 times this much in there. A few peices of evidence with names was found among it. Disgraceful carry on.

Cc @backinatracksuit and it is a pile of shite @Fagan_ODowd

What has it got to do with me?

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