Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Nothing wrong with that,jaysus she has a dirty oul head on her. I suppose it depends which female is wearing it.

Mother of christ. Did you see the state of the car.

That story should be on the school curriculum.


Cowardly cunt wouldn’t get up and read his own statement. Can’t have been feeling that bad if he knocked up the girlfriend either

His father seemed like a decent fella

Might have been mentioned elsewhere but I was quoted €350 for a private covid-19 test.

Are you going somewhere? Just lie to your GP about symptoms

Yea, pre-covid test for a medical appointment. Thought I could get it done locally rather than go to the appointed hospital. No way. They don’t trust your GP that the result would be back In time. Must be a racket. Insist on doing it themselves.

It’s an utter racket.

That’s poxy mate. Would you like to save yourself a few quid and let one of us have a bash at the operation? Throw up a question on the medical thread and the best reply gets a go?

The photos would be inappropriate, sorry.

I read on the internet that they could do it in the Mayo Clinic. Where in Mayo is that?

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West mayo.


The consultants name is Nama oddly.

That in fact is a murder.

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Manslaughter seems a bit light…

This story is a very hard read, I didn’t know at the time just how cuntish the murderers relatives and friends were…

I wish the poor lady luck in her mission to exhume her daughter from her murderers grave.

They should throw away the key

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