Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)


Didnā€™t have any negative impact on Mark Wahlbergs career.

Never knew Young Munster backs onto Old Christians. Which one is the wrong side of the tracks is the question.

That Raheen Square looks some job from Street View alright.

Apparently itā€™s mostly African Americans that are bateinā€™ up the Asian Americans.
Whatā€™s the origins of the African Americans beef with the Asian Americans @Tierneevin1979? Does all go back to the Rodney King verdict roof Koreans?

Is this Covid driven or whatā€™s going on with all the recent acts of violence?

Yeah. Would appear to be a simple case of throwing another reason into an already racist society to hate a minority. Its also giving blacks someone to beat up on so, I guess thereā€™s that.

I think @TheUlteriorMotive had that jacket up on the Friday Fashion threadā€¦


Is Clarina park still standing do you know?

A lot of houses up there have been knocked but thereā€™s a good few still standing,

Raheem Square is on the other side of the Childers road, I have a kid in my class this year living down there, sounds nuts but itā€™s all they know, the stories are priceless

A funny/weird one is if you go to google maps satellite the whole area has been made to look like a field. But if you go to street view itā€™s fair grim. Been like that a while, even since the houses were definitely there. Not sure if they are all gone now or what and I donā€™t plan on finding out.
Bit mad to have a whole area of the city lying idle while thereā€™s such a shortage of housing. I suppose they donā€™t want to put anymore council housing in there and no one else is going in there.
Bit of a flawed design itā€™s completely self contained one road in, one road out, cul de sac, nothing overlooking, no passing traffic. Ideal for bollox acting

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If youā€™re ever up really early in the morning you can jog through that whole area, thereā€™s a lane by the ESB on the Rossbrien road that takes you directly into the top of Clarina Avenue, itā€™s very ā€˜interestingā€™, I grew up in what is and was considered a deprived area but itā€™s different gravy altogether up there, mostly salt of the earth still though, the kids are wild in groups but grand on their own, and they mostly grow out of the worst stuff.

It looks like limericks version of hamsterdam. Meanwhile probably not 500m away as the crow flies is oā€™connell avenue and some of the most expensive real estate in the city

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Streetview is great to capture the feel of a place.

Thereā€™s a house there with lots of Limerick flags and bunting, and just up from it a fella has parked his bicycle against the kerb to sit down and drink a few cans out of a bag while staring intently at the Google camera.

Should be in the things that are right thread really.

Aprilā€™s Fools ā€œbanterā€ headlines and news stories

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The only thing worse is people commenting under it haha april fools. Oh look at you arenā€™t you clever

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@Julio_Geordio Take a look at this, hahahahaha.

Think its an April fools hun. Hope all the crew are well. Weā€™ll have to meet up when this covid mess is over xoxo

Did you hear about Maggie? Iā€™ll txt you.

Is that the house with the sporting limerick sign on it?