Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

There has always been tension between African Americans and Asian Americans in inner cities. Asians are accused of being anti-black and of claiming the status of the “good minority”. Covid obviously hasn’t helped. Woke white people are conflicted on it, but just default to white supremacy as the root cause.

That’s right.

I’d say he’s not the full shilling. Should never have been let out the cunt.

This is horrific

Totally agree. What the fuck is wrong with some people - trying to argue he didn’t do it either.

That was an anti woman attack not racist,the prick already killed his mother ffs what a bollox

Regina Dockerty

800 years of common travel between Ireland & the Mainland :grinning:


She was also wittering on about EU citizens having the freedom to travel. I’m an EU citizen and my freedom to travel has been utterly restricted by her government.

How in this day of computers and electronic money and only fans can it still take so long for a cheque to clear?

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Cheques can bounce. Computers and electronic money and fans* don’t bounce.

*I’m not sure what fans have to do with it…,

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Tell me about it. Still waiting on my picture of Kerry Katona’s rusty sheriff’s badge.

Christ, I just clicked into there. Mother of God, it’s bad.

A great photo from it, a woman in a Porsche jeep and what I assume is an estate agent:

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the street view is usually a lot older than the satellite view.



This is has much newer aerial maps

Lovely boot cut suit on yer man.

Young munsters doesnt back on to raheen square does it?

I spent a bit of my youth in raheem square, was seeing a girl from there. You’d get some amount of hassle of the cops just walking in and out of it

Pricks that take the negative offer on the Chase.


Like Tony Calvin backing a 3/1 yoke each way

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3 contestants already through with 18k and my bollox rocks up and takes a MINUS 4k offer just so he can get his piece of the pie.

And then stood there without answering a single question when they were gearing up for the final chase.