Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

yes, there may be mitigation for your assumption that they are unmitigated cunts*

*i dont see any myself

Edenderry is a rough town. Pure Mule was based in it I think and also a play called Eden written by the same writer Eugene O Brien.

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Pure Mule was Banagher

That was a great show, very much of its time but essential viewing back then


Scobie was an icon of celtic tiger ireland. The quintessential big lad in a small town. The actor who played the harmless older brother died didn’t he.

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Yes, Tom Murphy who played Shamie died a while back now,
He was absolutely amazing in Adam and Paul, that was some performance


Fantastic movie but a very tough watch, especially the last scene

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TG4’s rugby highlights program is always in the planner as “Rugbai Beo” which annoys me more than it should


Brilliant film. Think the two lads were in a relationship together in real life at the time


An t-aicsean is fearr ón Corn Beorach!

You’re gone shtone mad on the rubby

I’ve written a sternly worded letter to them to tell them to change the title to Rugbaí Árdsolais.

The Covid outbreak in Intel in Leixlip receiving the bare minimum of coverage and scrutiny from RTE. 7k workers on site building a chip manufacturing plant that is not due to open until 2023. How was this deemed to be an essential project? Our state broadcaster gets far more exercised when some blond auld wan from Ballybough goes to Dubai to get her hoop waxed


A great oul’ pal of mine lives now in Malahide, he moiders me with pictures of creamy pints on Saturdays, the fucker. To make a long story short his good lady has the dreaded Alzheimers so he’s in a bit of a hobble.

I was aware of a worsening situation and a consultation on Friday so I didn’t phone. He rings this evening to tell me the future song of his life is gonna be Homeward Bound as she’s been given about 6 months more in his care.

The difference, Boxty he says, is a house is where you currently live and a home is where you’re headed. I offered the opinion that it was harsh and he agreed, we had a few laughs about bygone times and we’ll convene again Weds or Thursday on the phone.

He’s rattled, a good sort. Life’s tough.


I’m with ya, feckin disgusting

My eldest son, who will be 3 in July, has asked me for a rugby ball on two separate occasions.


Get back to Wexford quick


Did he say rubby or rugby?



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You might be ok so.


He could grow up to score all his team’s points in a schools rubby final. What a proud moment that would be.