Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Was that just VAT or did you get a breakdown?
I refer you to the courier thread if you have the time. Iā€™m still fighting them for a breakdown of the charges.

Best of luck with that

Youā€™ll be the first to know.

Is it possible to refuse it and tell them send it back?

Kid was out if control.

A lad delivered a parcel to my house the other day,the van was full of parcels most of which he said were belonging to people who wouldnā€™t pay the vat so he had to keep them

Heā€™ll be out before heā€™s 30

Thereā€™s a lot to be said for the auld death penalty all the same.

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He could tell him ā€œgrand bring it back tomorrow when you have changeā€

Charged in the presence of his sisterā€¦

That tells a tale alright

This is wrong on every level, every aspect of it.

You can see the genesis of it here in recent years. Lads canā€™t handle rejection and seek to destroy.

Thereā€™s also an elephant in the room that needs addressing.

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Thatā€™s one of the aspects alright.

I could be a serial killer by now only for I have such great discipline and stoicism.

Youā€™d have selected your first victim and instead of slitting their throat youā€™d have engaged in a semantic circular argument with them until they killed themselves.

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Bloody animal to do that


Jesus thatā€™s a tough read. Heā€™s a great writer though which helps. Burrow is a great guy.


Thanks for posting this.