Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

It’s really awful. It happened so fast. I can still see him in my head playing.


That’s fucking desperate. A rugby club in Tallaght.


When a coach of the quality of Bernard Jackman talks, peoplehave to listen.

Cc @LionelRitchie

I hope the cunt has an alibi.

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Beheading a family member because of their sexuality.

Christ he reminds me of a young Mark Renton

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The dogs were going mad there earlier barking. I went out to see what they were barking at. Turns out it was a dead bird, pigeon kind of a thing in the drive way. When I went out with the shovel to put it in the bin turns out it was a headless dead bird and there were feathers everywhere.

Must have been gay.


All the signs of a hawk kill.
Dogs must have scared it away.


Really mental stuff. We don’t know how lucky we are sometimes.

A mink by the reports thus far, a kill for the blood… I’d keep the dogs in as the mink would do for them in a flash. Maybe get a gun just to be sure. You’re lucky hasn’t chickens.

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watched the Sherpa doc on Netflix, poor bastards take some risks to practically piggy back lads up Everest…between that and lads going on safari to Africa hunting sedated lions in an enclosure the size of a front garden or lads going on whore crawls through Thailand ,the western pig dogs have a lot to answer for…



Theres a few great quips in there. @myboyblue is off this morning and asked me to fill in


We are a movement.

Only 5 threads bumped there, @myboyblue would have the whole first page (what’s a page?) covered.

€25k a day. That is actually sick.

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Fair play to Sean Kelly, a wonderful representative