Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Based on the reporting of the case, the judge seemed to be guiding the jury towards a not guilty verdict during the week.

That seems unusual for a judge.

Was there any justice for the 3 children that she killed?

She got the verdict she wanted, she will hardly appeal.

Thereā€™s just no sense to be made of itā€¦how the husband rebuilds his life is beyond me.

If it had been a man I doubt the same verdict would have been handed down.

The coverage of this was very different to similar incidents where it was the father involved.

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Wonder could the father/husband trust himself to be in a room with your one again?

Sheā€™ll never be let out again Iā€™d say.

If it was a man he wouldnā€™t have botched the suicide most likely.

Iā€™m not sure about that. I just heard snippets on the radio this evening. Shes back in the psychiatric hospital for the next two weeks alright where sheā€™ll be assessed after using this new drug shes on. Theyā€™ll make a decision after that. Maybe @artfoley can enlighten us as to what the legal situation is after that whether she can be let out or not

This lady didnā€™t transfer money out a joint account with her husband to her own so her parents would get the inheritance.

Anyway, no point getting into that. Itā€™s all tragic.

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The [Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Boardā€™smain function is to review the detention of those found not guilty by reason of insanity or unfit to be tried, who have been detained in a designated centre by order of a court. At present, the only designated centre is the Central Mental Hospital. The Review Board also has responsibility for people who have been convicted of offences and who become mentally ill while serving their sentences. The Review Board must have regard to the welfare and safety of the person whose detention it reviews and to the public interest. It may assign a legal representative to the person unless the person proposes to engage one.

The Board is composed of a legally qualified chairperson and a number of other people, at least one of whom must be a consultant psychiatrist. It is obliged to review each detention at least once every 6 months

Plenty of other fathers got protrayed as purely evil. Wasnā€™t there an Egyptian fella who had the kids in the boot or some fella down in Cork also.

So in theory, if in say a months time they reckon shes not a threat to herself or anyone else, she could walk free? Am I reading that right?

theoretically, yes

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In theory yes but in practice sheā€™ll be in for a long time

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I canā€™t finish reading that myself. Perhaps donā€™t do it to yourselves. Itā€™s fucking awful.

Iā€™ve not read anything on it to be honest. Not bearable to think about


I found it curious that she wrote ā€œring 911ā€ instead of ā€œring 999ā€. Iā€™d have half a mind that indicates that she was consuming some sort of viewing content which might have been contributing to some degree in creating or amplifying some sort of alternate reality in her mind, but I donā€™t know really.