Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

On a slightly lighter note, I went into the kitchen this morning and the lad was gaffer taping his shoes together for school.
“You can’t go into school in them”
“I’ve nothing else”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
I’ve only two weeks of school left now, no point in getting new ones"
“I presume you’re going back next year?”
“Your mam will go ballistic when she sees that”
“You need new school shoes”
“Can I get runners instead?”
“No, and how long have they been like that?”
“I’ve been walking on the edge of my feet for two weeks”
And off he goes, out into the deluge, like Charlie Chaplin with his shoes all gaffer taped up with brown gaffer tape on black shoes, without a care in the world.


Resourceful chap, gotta respect it

Not a lot wrong with that, I find that admirable carry on in a young man… resourceful, frugal, problem solver, gets on with it. He should be held up as an inspiration for more of his generation.

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That’s the Paddy in him :clap: :clap: :clap:

He’s tan contemporaries will be straightening their hair and waxing their chests and adorning the latest fashionable attire. Paddy nonchalantly rocks up in whatever he can muster together that smells semi clean.

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Is this the chap that wore the same underpants for two weeks?


The very same.
Not a fcuking bother on him.
Somehow this shoe business will end up being my fault


go buy him black gaffa tape and then buy new shoes later on.

she’ll never know

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That’s cos it is. The Italian side of his genes are mortified.

The Eir monthly €5.99 email address charge has gone up to €10.

why would you pay for that service and secondly why would you pay eir for any service?


Donno, just saw it on Boards. I’m well gone myself.

They’ve some people, mainly older folks, trapped. They’re used to and familiar with eircom address, change is techo-fear. Others might have integrated as small business email (zeboscockshots@eircom.net) integrated on marketing collateral.

They’ll squeeze whatever they can out of em until price or common sense kicks in

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New shoes bought.
Eejit is delighted.
“I’ll have dry feet! I’d to ring my socks out in maths yesterday and put jacks roll in my shoes”


It’s like something out of a Dickens novel.


I honestly had no idea. One of his friends offered to lend him an old pair last week he just volunteered.

God help the poor chap when the time comes to upload his suunto activities to strava

Flattys young lad is like the main character in Joseph plunketts short story ‘weep for our pride’.



He definitely said ring

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