Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Going to a European final involving two French clubs and singing fields of athenry.



Thatā€™s skate boarding for you.

In fairness to him, his auld lad swam the Galway Bay swim with the sponsorship money wrapped in a ball inside his wetsuit and then lost it afterwards so heā€™s hardly licked it off the stones


Chap from my youth died this evening, we were never close, just mixed in circles. Hadnt seen him in 15 years Iā€™d say ā€¦ Poor bastard had an aneurysm when about 19 and had to relearn to talk and walkā€¦ 22 years later gets another and dies. Poor bastard, no age at allā€¦ While Weā€™re on it I had to watch a stream of my uncles funeral yesterday morningā€¦ Very odd and the limited numbers there all in masks , even those giving the eulogy and saying a few readingsā€¦ All very wrong. Horrible times.


Sorry for your loss, pal.

May they both Rest in Peace.

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Thereā€™s no good time to die, but this is surely as bad a time in my memory. Bed of heaven to them


My sympathies pal

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Sympathy on your loss mate

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Young people dying stretches you. You expect the older ones to go but itā€™s a complete fucker that you canā€™t be there for the last ceremonies.

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Sympathies to you and family

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Sorry for your loss mate.

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Re the article above.

The fact she knew what she was doing was wrong but felt compelled to go through with it and kill the third child is chilling. Not sure how she could ever be considered well enough to be let out after that. Yes sheā€™s very damaged but thereā€™s a profound dissociation with reality there. Saying that itā€™s a terrible thing, youd have to feel sorry for her.

Another thing was doctors asking the husband did he think she was a danger to the children. What the fuck? How can he make that call. Ok it might have just been asking his opinion but it doesnā€™t make much sense. Is there a reluctance to taking a mother out of the family home?

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There would have to be

There is a reluctance to separate any family, even in the most dire circumstances

Sorry for your losses pal, thereā€™s never a good time sadly. RIP to both.

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Of course. But messaging relations shooting the breeze while killing your children is something not easily fixed or how do you even detect when itā€™s fixed. I wonder what her diagnosis was. Saying she was too close to her mother was a hint. Very sad. Itā€™s a wonder she hasnā€™t tried to kill herself since.

Thereā€™s an issue there I think with authorities suspecting she was a danger to the kids. But then I realise itā€™s practically impossible to predict irrational actions.

Sorry for your trouble.

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Jesus Christ.

Sorry for your troubles TBrad.

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Itā€™s bloody awful all round no answers