Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

That’s fucking mental.

That’s freedom, baby.

Condolences mate.

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Sorry to hear this mate. Life is not fair in any way.

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Barbershop in Gaza.

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Sorry to hear that, mate.

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By God.

Out of a shower of absolute cunts, Niall Collins seems to still take the biscuit.

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I can’t see Fianna Fáil losing after that. Nice touch cutting Deirdre off at the end too

Someone in FF felt Tom Cruise was outstanding in The Bourne films as well.


FF’s social media game is pathetic

Once you see that gormless bollocks Marc MacSharry endorsing something you know you’re absolutely fucked. It may read misogynistic but Deirdre is a lay in this one.


Getting up, logging into work, skulling 3 mugs of shcauld and then finding out that it’s a bank holiday.


Is @Pirlo another one of the Italian-Tyrone community?

Sweet Jesus, these fuckers …

Who in their fucking right minds would think this is a good thing?
The answer is likely in the question.

And all for the low low cost of 20 bucks.
Governor is apparently refusing to sign the bill.


What sick fuck would think of having women do this? Governor is right not to sign and the fucker who thought it up and sick fucks that are trying to push it through should be named and fired.

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America is a fucked up place.

God almighty worlds gone to pot